1. Mr Brown wrote this impertinent letter
This impertinent letter was written by Mr Brown - Dobrze
2. They are building a bridge here
A bridge is being built
by them here - prawie dobrze, zmiana kolejności polepsza styl tutaj
3. People seldom speak of him
He is seldom spoken
of by people - niestety źle
4. He didn’t introduce me to his mother
I wasn’t introduced to his mother by him - dobrze
5. We must hold another meeting
Another meeting must be held by us - dobrze
6. A big truck has knocked him down
He has been knocked down by a big truck - dobrze
7. People say that he shot his wife. It….
It is said
, that his wife was shot by him - bez przecinka
8. They will introduce some new subjects into the syllabus this year.
Some new subjects will be introduced into syllabus
by them this year - mała zmiana kolejności
9. Who wrote this book ?
By whom was this book written? - Dla passive voice lepiej będzie zrobić to tak: "This book was written by whom?"
10. They were discussing our plan at that time.
Our plan was being discussed by them at that time. - dobrze
1. Dotąd nie przedstawiono nas ambasadorowi
We haven’t been introduced to the ambassador so far. - good
2. Podano nam indyka w galarecie
We were served turkey in aspic. - Dobrze
3. Przypuszcza się, że miasto zostało zniszczone przez trzęsienie ziemi.
It is supposed
, that the city was destroyed by
an earthquake - brak przecinka, brak przedimka. Supposed to dobre słowo, gdyż słownik pośród kilku innych podaje też te definicje:
a. To believe, especially on uncertain or tentative grounds: Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps.
b. To consider to be probable or likely: I suppose it will rain.
4. W naszym mieście buduje się (właśnie teraz) nową szkołę.
A new school is being built in our town. - dobrze
5. Twoja książka będzie wydana w przyszłym roku
Your book will be published next year. - Dobrze
6. Sprzątano pokój, gdy przybyliśmy
The room was being cleaned when we came back - good
7. Po hiszpańsku mówi się w większości krajów południowoamerykańskich.
Spanish is spoken in most of the Southern American countries.
8. Dlaczego listy nie zostały jeszcze przepisane na maszynie?
Why letters aren’t rewritten on a typewriter yet? - Why the letters haven't been rewritten on a typewriter yet?
9. Ta książka powinna być natychmiast zwrócona
This book should be returned immediately - dobrze
10. Pasażerowie są proszeni o udanie się do komory celnej.
Passengers are requested to go to the customs office - Dobrze, aczkolwiek ta komora celna jest... eh, niepewna. Lecz nie mam teraz czasu sprawdzić tego.