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Jak wyżej. :)
I want to tell you about three ridiculous and unbelievable lawsuits in the USA. Only one of them ended unsuccessfully for plaintiff and I want you to guess which one.
In 1992 Stella Lieback from New Mexico bought a cup of coffee from a drive through McDonalds and as she removed the lid, spilled the entire cup of coffee on her lap. She was hospitalized for eight days and after two years she sued McDonalds claiming it was too hot and more likely to cause serious injury than coffee served at any other establishment.
In 2005 Lindsey Zelitti and Taylor Ostergaard wanted to do something nice, so they went around their neighborhood, knocing on doors and leaving a small package of cookies in front of every door. When they went to 49 years old Wanita Young's house, the sound of the girls knocing on the door apparently drove her into an anxiety attack. And after the girls apologized, Young still decided to take them to court and sue for $900.
In 1995 Robert Lee Brock, inmate at prison in Virginia sued himself for violating his own civil rights. Brock argued that his religion forbids him to drink alcohol, so when he partook of alcoholic beverages in 1993 and got arrested for breaking and entering, he caused himself to violate his religious believes. He demanded $5 million from himself, but he said that the state should have to pay it in his behalf because he can't work.
So, who doesn't got the compensation?
przedimek plaintiff
ostatnie zdanie niegramatyczne - uzyj past simple
Only one of them ended unsuccessfully for (przedimek) plaintiff and I want you to guess which one.
.... drive-through McDonalds
She was hospitalized for eight days and after two years she sued McDonalds claiming 'it' (wiem o co chodzi ale ja bym tu dala 'the coffee') ...
In 2005 Lindsey Zelitti and Taylor Ostergaard wanted to do something nice, so they went around their neighborhood, 'knocing' (blad ortog) on doors and leaving a small package of cookies in front of every door. When they went to 49 years old Wanita Young's house, the sound of the girls 'knocing' (ortog) on the door apparently drove her into an anxiety attack.
In 1995 Robert Lee Brock, (przedimek) inmate at (przedimek) prison in Virginia sued himself for violating his own civil rights. Brock argued that his religion forbids him to drink alcohol, so when he partook of alcoholic beverages in 1993 and got arrested for breaking and entering, he caused himself to violate his religious 'believes' (zle slowo, tutaj ma byc rzeczownik).
So, who 'doesn't' (zly czas) 'got' (zly czas) the compensation?....