The 'goal' (no wiem, myslisz o pilce, ale slowo jest AIM) of the work was to 'project' (calkowicie zle slowo) and construct a microprocessor system for temperature regulation. (przedimek) use of (przedimek) heater 'that was' (niepotr) made 'within' (mozna 'during) 'a' (jakie znowu 'a', tutaj wiesz dokladnie o co chodzi i ma byc THE) project is aimed for didactical purposes,
(co? kto? nie wiem o co chodzi) it is giving (przedimek) possibility of temperature regulation and time of its rising/falling to 'damended' (nie znam tego slowa, sprawdz dokladniej) value, it also has a function that 'is making' (dlaczego nie 'makes') it possibile to connect the heater 'together with' (czy masz na mysli a) personal computer – programming all of the heater settings and functions by using dedicated software working on MS Windows system.
Napisz to jeszcze raz, bo to czytajac jest troche rozlegle, maslo maslane.