Witam, proszę o poprawienie mojej prezentacji o łazikach marsjańskich wiem, że jest tego dużo, ale bardzo mi zależy, aby była ona poprawnie napisana.
The topic of my talk is a planetary rovers. I mention aspects such as:
Why are researchers sending rovers to a red planet and what are they doing there? I will give examples a rovers. I will say a few words about history of mission and about future plans of space organizations.
I’d like to start by definition of rover.
According to Wikipedii:
A rover is a space exploration vehicle designed to move across the surface of a planet or other celestial body.
Next, we should answer on question: Why are we sending rovers to Mars?
I divide this issue into four parts.
-Determine whether life ever arose on Mars.
That’s means a researches want to find organic carbon compounds and building blocks of life and determine cycling of water and carbon dioxide.
Life, as we understand it, requires water, so the history of water on Mars is critical to finding out if the Martian environment was ever conducive to life.
-Characterize the climate of Mars.
A researches want to know changes Martian atmospheric evolution processes in the existence of the planet.
-Characterize the geology of Mars.
Determine the distribution and composition of minerals, rocks, and soils and also characterize the mineralogy and textures of rocks and soils and determine the processes that created them. A Researchers are searching for iron-containing minerals, identify and quantify relative amounts of specific mineral types that contain water or were formed in water.
This will all help send the first man on Mars.
Prop-M Rover:
It’s a rover, which was on board in the soviet landers: mars 2 a mars 3. However the demise of both the landers cause the rover was not used.
this is the first rover to successfully reach another planet. Sojourner included NASA mission: The Mars Pathfinder. The rover returned 550 images, chemical analyses of rock, soil and weather factors on Mars.
Spirit landed successfully on Mars the beginning of 2004. Its last communication with Earth was sent on March 2010. This rover is the same like next Opportunity, about which I will tell more information.
Next two rovers are active to this day.
The same like Spirit, Opportunity landed on Mars in 2004(three weeks after its twin Spirit). Touched down on the other side of the planet. Opportunity is a six-wheeled, solar-powered robot standing 1.5 meters high, 2.3 meters wide, and 1.6 meters long and weighing 180 kilograms. Maximum speed is 5 centimetres per second. The rover's operating temperature ranges from −40 to +40 °C
Opportunity has continued to move, gather scientific observations, and report back to Earth.
Robot has defeated the route about 45 km until 2016. Opportunity had returned over 2[tel]pictures.
Fixed science/engineering instruments include:
Panoramic Camera (Pancam) – examines the texture, color, mineralogy, and structure of the local terrain.
Navigation Camera (Navcam) – monochrome with a higher field of view but lower resolution, for navigation and driving.
Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer (Mini-TES) – identifies promising rocks and soils for closer examination, and determines the processes that formed them.
Hazcams - provide additional data about the rover's surroundings.
The rover arm holds the following instruments:
MIMOS II – used for close-up investigations of the mineralogy of iron-bearing rocks and soils.
Alpha particle X-ray spectrometer (APXS) – close-up analysis of the abundances of elements that make up rocks and soils.
Magnets – for collecting magnetic dust particles
Microscopic Imager (MI) – obtains close-up, high-resolution images of rocks and soils.
Rock Abrasion Tool (RAT) – exposes fresh material for examination by instruments on board.
Opportunity has provided substantial evidence in support of the mission's primary scientific goals: to search for and characterize a wide range of rocks and soils that hold clues to past water activity on Mars.
Until today, Curiosity has been on Mars for 1269 days since landing on August 6, 2012.
Curiosity has a mass of 899 kg (1,982 lb It is about the size of a small SUV. The rover is 2.9 m (9.5 ft) long by 2.7 m (8.9 ft) wide by 2.2 m (7.2 ft) in height. It can travel up to 90 metres per hour but average speed is about 30 metres per hour. It has 17 cameras.
I suppose about its working can talk a lot., but I try to introduce the most important device on this robot and their capabilities.
The MastCam system provides multiple spectra and true-color imaging with two cameras.[55] The cameras can take true-color images.
REMS comprises instruments to measure the Mars environment: humidity, pressure, temperatures, wind speeds, and ultraviolet radiation.
CheMin can identify and quantify the abundance of the minerals on Mars.
The SAM instrument suite analyzes organics and gases from both atmospheric and solid samples.
Robotic arm - The rover has a 2.1 m long robotic arm with a cross-shaped turret holding five devices. The arm had a percussion drill and mechanisms for scooping, sieving, and portioning samples. It can obtain powdered sample from rock interiors, and deliver them to the SAM and CheMin analyzers inside the rover.
Mars 2020
The rover's design will be derived from the Curiosity rover. The rover is planned to be launched in 2020. However, the mission is contingent on receiving adequate funding. The new rover mission and launch is estimated to cost roughly US$1.5 billion
Mangalyaan 2
Indian Space Research Organisation planning the next mission in 2018 after they place a spacecraft successfully enter the red planet's orbit.
ExoMars rover is a planned project, part of the international ExoMars mission led by the European Space Agency. The rover is an designed to weigh up to 295 kg.