
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I would like you to go home now. (prefer)
I'd prefer to go home now.

I would prefer to go in December rather than in May. (rather)
I'd rather go in December rather than in May.

I want you to stay in a hostel rather than in a hotel. (rather)
I'd rather you stayed in a hostel rather than in a hotel.

I would like you find a job. (prefer)
I'd prefer you to find a job.

they would like to build a new house instead of repairing the old one. (prefer)
They'd prefer to build a new gouse instead of repairing the old one.

We would like you to go bed now. (rather)
We'd rather you went bed now (chyba źle jakoś dziewnie brzymi)

We would like you to do the work yourself. (prefer)
i'd prefer you to do the work yourself
I would like you to go home now. (prefer)
I'd prefer to go home now. (ale tutaj zmienilas osobe, ktora ma odejsc, popraw.)

I would prefer to go in December rather than in May. (rather)
I'd rather go in December 'rather' (nie rozumiem dlaczego wkladasz to slowo 2 razy w tym zdaniu) than in May.

I want you to stay in a hostel rather than in a hotel. (rather)
I'd rather you stayed in a hostel 'rather' (po co drugi raz to samo?) than in a hotel.

I would like you TO find a job. (prefer)
I'd prefer 'you' (cos mi tu sie nie podoba, moze Iwould prefer FOR you to ...) to find a job.

they would like to build a new house instead of repairing the old one. (prefer)
They'd prefer to build a new 'gouse' (house) instead of repairing the old one.

We would like you to go TO bed now. (rather)
We'd rather you went TO bed now

We would like you to do the work yourself. (prefer)
'i'd' (dlaczego tu jest mala litera i zmienilas WE na I - dlaczego?) prefer you to do the work yourself
to chyba z rozbiegu :p
hmm no własnie w tym przedostatnim patrze nie ma "to" i mi nie pasuje może coś nie tak podczas drukowania
I'd prefer you found a job.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia