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Dziękuję za wszelką pomoc i sugestie!

To all whom it may concern,

My name is XYZ and I am twenty-one-years old second year student of French Philology at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland. I am writing with the reference to the offer of studying abroad within the framework of the Supmet Public Organization. I think it will broaden my prospects and help me to build my professional career. I would like to open to another culture and become a person who has a cosmopolitan view on the world. Undoubtedly, the stay abroad is one-of-a-kind chance to get to make new interesting acquaintances and increase knowledge about the world. The most interesting thing for me is to learn about Polish-French friendship. During my stay abroad I want to develop myself in academic research and find a topic for my thesis (nie wiem jak jest praca licencjacka). I am interested in French history, literature and culture. I also like football, music, cinematography and languages.

My strengths are tenacity of purpose, care, ambition and self-improvement. I am a hard-working and responsible person. I would say my only weakness are impatience and lack of firmness, but I am looking to improve in these areas. I am also open-minded, tolerant and empathetic. I have participated in a student exchange with Rotary International in Brazil, where I spent almost one year and I was given the opportunity to live with a typical Brazilian family and attend high school as well. I am also a volunteer of Rotary International Poland, where I take care of exchange students (mostly from Belgium, France and Spanish-speaking countries) and Erasmus Student Network UJ (Jagiellonian University), where my goal is to make unforgettable memories and endless experiences for the international students (from Portugal and France) staying in Cracow. I have also taken part at Polish-France-Slovak Intercultural Workshop "Our Future”. I am also a member of French Philology’s students research circle (Koło Romanistów?) and I have taken part in an event called “Evening of French culture”.

My native language is Polish, but I can also speak fluently in English and French. I have a working knowledge of German (B2). I am also able to speak basic Russian. I know Latin as well. I believe I possess the right combination of communication skills and deductive reasoning.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Your faithfully,

'My name is XYZ' (wg mnie calkowicie niepotrzebne, przeciez sie podpisujesz, po co to pisac.)
I am (brak przedimka) 'twenty-one' (napisz '21')-'years' (zle slowo, tutaj 'year') old second year student of French Philology at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland.
I am writing with 'the' (niepotr) reference to the offer of studying abroad within the framework of the Supmet Public Organization.
'I think it will broaden my prospects and help me to build my professional career' (tego nie rozumiem, tutaj trzeba troche inaczej...I would like to apply for this because I feel that..., bo inaczej nie wiadomo czego to sie trzyma).
I would like to open (ale co? kogo? musisz napisac dokladniej) to another culture and become a person who has a cosmopolitan view on the world. Undoubtedly, the stay abroad is one-of-a-kind chance to get to make new 'interesting acquaintances' (cos mi to nie siedzi dobrze, lepiej napisac, ze chcesz poznac kulture, historie, cos takiego, a nie to, ze chcesz poznac ludzi) and increase (tu brakuje slowa, moze 'my') knowledge about the world. The most interesting thing for me 'is' (to jest zle, tutaj najlepiej 'would be' bo mowisz o przyszlosci, i trzeba to tak zaznaczyc) to learn about Polish-French friendship.
During my stay abroad I want to develop 'myself in' (cos tu nie tak, lepiej...'my') academic research and 'find' (napisz inne slowo, wiecej academickie) a topic for my thesis (thesis jest ok)

I 'would say' (nie, to nie jest jezyk academicki, lepiej...consider') my only 'weakness' (tutaj liczba mnoag, bo wymieniasz wiecej jak jeden) are impatience and lack of firmness, but I am looking to improve in these areas.
I have participated in a student exchange (ale co? programme?) with Rotary International in Brazil, where I spent almost 'one' (nie, wystarczy 'a') year and I was given the opportunity to live with a typical Brazilian family and attend high school. 'as well' (niepotr).
I am also a member of French 'Philology’s' (nie, tutaj 'Phililogy') students research circleand I have 'taken part' (nie, lepiej 'participated') in an event called “Evening of French culture”.

I 'am also able to' (niepotr) speak basic Russian. 'I know Latin as well' (jak juz to piszesz, to napisz do jakiego stopnia, jak nisko, to mozna to z poprzednim zdaniem polaczyc)
I believe THAT I possess the right combination of communication skills and deductive reasoning (ale po co? tego zapomnialas napisac...trzeba to wytlumaczyc).
Bardzo ci dziękuję terri!

Czy może być tak?
I would like to apply for this because I feel that scholarship will broaden my prospects and help me to build my professional career.

Chodziło mi o to, że stypendium poszerzy moje horyzonty, perspektywy i pomoże mi w zbudowaniu mojej kariery.

I would like to open myself (?) to another culture

Undoubtedly, the stay abroad is one-of-a-kind chance to get to acquaint myself with Hungarian history and culture and increase my knowledge about the world. ???

zamiast find - search out ?

a czy możesz mi wytłumaczyć, dlaczego Phililogy ?

na końcu może być?
which would be helpful for me to work in a academic groups.?
Mozesz troche inaczej:
1. I would like to apply for this because I feel that scholarship will broaden my (career) prospects and help me to 'build' (expand aspects of) my professional career.
2. I would like to 'open myself' (moze ' expand my appreciation of') to another culture
3. Undoubtedly, the stay abroad is one-of-a-kind chance to get ME to acquaint myself with Hungarian history and culture and increase my knowledge 'about' OF the world.
4. zamiast find - search out - investigate, discover?
5. a czy możesz mi wytłumaczyć, dlaczego Phililogy ?...sorry, troche palce zle napisaly, ma byc philology
6. which would be helpful for me to work in 'a' (niepotr, nie przed l. mn-groups.) academic groups.
edytowany przez terri: 27 lut 2016