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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Julia,

How are you? I am writing to let you know my latest news . It is fantastic!
I've had a great holiday. Me and my family went to Gdańsk and we visited different interesting places. At the journey end me and my sister wanted to buy souvenirs. I wanted to buy a new blouses. We were in the clothes department in Galeria when Rihanna walked in! I couldn't belive my eyes! I started talking to her about her music. She was nice and very pretty! She gave me a CD with her autograph! I've always dreamt about it!
I can't wait to see you all about it! Bye for now.
See you soon

a new blouses. nie
I've always dreamt about it! o czym: o CD?
At the journey end np at the end of our trip

dziękuję za uwagi. Czy tak będzie lepiej?

Dear Julia,

How are you? I am writing to let you know my latest news . It is fantastic!
I've had a great holiday. Me and my family went to Gdańsk and we visited different interesting places. At the end of our trip me and my sister wanted to buy souvenirs. We went to do shopping. We were in the clothes department in Galeria when Rihanna walked in! I couldn't belive my eyes! I started talking to her about her music. I've always dreamt about it! She was nice and very pretty! She gave me a CD with her autograph!
I can't wait to see you all about it! Bye for now.
See you soon

At the end of our trip me and my sister wanted to buy souvenirs. pomimo że tak się pot. mówi, w podręczniku znajdziesz inną kolejność i inny zaimek
edytowany przez Aaric: 06 mar 2016


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