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To reported speech roblem w tym,ze polecenie jest bardzo ogolne i nie wiem, czy mam bardzo dokładnie ten dialog przetlumaczyc czy tylko ogolnie, bo slow wprowadzjacych jest moim zdaniem za malo
Mary: let's go for a drink!
Jane: Sorry, I can't today. I promised to help my mum prepare the party - my dad is fifty tomorrow.
M: Really?! He looks much younger. Does he do any sports?
J: He used to play tennis but he had to stop because of his elbow. You colud come to the party f you like. It starts at 6 pm tomorrow.
M" Thank you. Do you think I could help with the preparations?
J Oh, yes, there will be over 60 people do we really need a lot of help.
M You should use a caterinng company - they could prepare the food and clean up afterwards/
J That's propably a good idea but my mum won't hear of anyone else except her preparing my dad's birthday cake/

Marry suggested going for a drink.
Jane refused to go. She explained that she had promised to help her mum prepare the party - her dad was fifty the following day.
Mary was surprised. She admitted that he looked much younger and inquired if he did any sports.
Jane admitted that he had used to play tennis but he had had to (?) stop because of his elbow. She invited Mary to the party if she liked and said that it started at 6 pm the follwing day.
Mary thanked her and offered her help with the preparations.
Jane accepted her proposition and said there would be over 60 people so they really needed a lot of help/
Mary advised her to use a catering company - they could prepare the food and clean up afterwards.
I dalej nie ma nie ma slow i nwm co wstawiac swoje slowa moga byc czy nie? znowu musialabym uzyc explain
a skoro jestemy juz przy mowie aleznej to jeszcze jednozdanie:
Mam przeksztlacic zdanie aby zachowac ich pierwotne znaczenie ale mam uzyc podanych wyrazow i pierwsze zostaly juz podane
"John, you caused her death by telling her the news' said Mary OF
napisałam tak:
Mary accused John of causing her death by telling her the news.
Czy to nie wychodzi troxhe takze Mary oskarża Johna o swoja śmierc, bo jakym to czytała tako w ksiazce np to bym pomyslala ze John zbil Mary i ona jakims cudem zmartwychwstwala i pwiedziala to do neigo
po 2 nwm czmeu tu jest having:
'thats a lie I never told Joe anything about our relationship said Mary HAVING
zrobiłam; Mary denied having told anything about their relationship ae czemu having
oba ok
Oh, yes, there will be over 60 people do we really need a lot of help. ja bym zmienił coś tutaj
...he had used to play tennis... W narracjach spotyka się takie użycie. W twoim kontekście bym zmienił.
znowu musialabym uzyc explain. czy było w poleceniu że te słowa można tylko raz wykorzystać?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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