Question tags

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie :)

Next time try to be punctual,..............? will you?
Nobody has arrived yet, .....................? haven't they?
Let’s meet in town, ...............….........? will we?
There’s nothing left, ......…......…......? is there?
We’d better get going, .…................. ? wouldn't we?
Everybody is leaving, …………….? aren't they?
You hardly ever work on Sundays, ….....? Don't you?
You’d rather finish this now, ...............? Wouldn't you?
Nobody has arrived yet, .....................? TO JEST ZDANIE PRZECZĄCE, TAK JAK ZDANIE Z NOTHING
Let’s meet in town, ...............….........? ŹLE
We’d better get going, .…................. ? 'D TUTAJ TO NIE JEST WOULD
You hardly ever work on Sundays, ….....? HARDLY TEZ JEST PRZECZACE

pozostałe ok, ale musze cos dopisac, bo za duzo wielkich liter
Chyba dobrze :)