Opinion essay na temat - Living in the centre of a city is better that living in the suburbs.

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Nowadays, many people consider where they would like to live. Most of them definitely prefer a city, which in contrast to the suburbs gives more opportunities. I really understand and share their point of view, but I cannot agree with all they claim.

The biggest advantage of living in a city is its well developed labor market. Many students are aimed developing their job careers, as well as living there after graduation. Moreover, they have a wide range of residential offers to rent or buy an apartment on their own. Only too high price can constitute the barricade against the purchase. Another advantage is numerous groceries, chemists and other popular shops. Almost everywhere people meet many kinds of shops where they buy whatever they want. Last but not least, it is not worth forgetting about entertainments like cinemas or fitness clubs, which big cities offer us. It only depends on our choice how to spend a free time nicely.
On the other hand, the supporters of living in the suburbs claim that there is much fresher air than in a city. Their areas are free of car fumes and other harmful substances. Besides, lower number of vehicles reduces persistent noise, which affects people’s comfort in a positive way.

To sum up, each of us personally decides where his own source of happiness is. I strongly believe that it is better solution to live in the centre of a city. In the contemporary world, only there your dreams can come true.

Poproszę o sprawdzenie i ewentualną korektę. ;)
edytowany przez adan_96: 22 mar 2016
affects people’s comfort in a positive way

słowo "affect ' ma zawsze negatywne konotacje,...nie może być 'affect ' a potem , positive way.
np ." the latest events have affected us badly ' =( w przybliżeniu) ' the latest events have had a bad effect on us '
Cytat: Robbertoxx
słowo "affect ' ma zawsze negatywne konotacje,...nie może być 'affect ' a potem , positive way.'

nieprawda, może tak być
hmmm . czyli że, np:" her illness affected us hugely" = " jej śmierć wywarła na nas pozytywne wrażenie ' ? :)
Też uważam że można ująć 'affected in a positive way'.
Może i tak . Moze to dlatego ze JA spotkalem sie z tymi negatywnymi konotacjami ...,bądz co badz , dzieki za wyjaśnienie mi ,ze nie zawsze tak być musi.
Most of them definitely prefer a city, which in contrast to the suburbs gives (ale komu? musisz napisac) more opportunities (jakie? daj przyklady). I really understand and share their point of view, but I cannot agree with all THAT they claim.

Many students 'are aimed' (to jest zle, moze 'aim') developing their job careers, as well as living there after graduation.
Only too high (brak przedimka) price can constitute 'the' (chociaz ja dalabym 'a') barricade against the purchase.
Almost everywhere people 'meet' (nie, to jest za bardzo po polsku, 'spotykaja', ale po ang. to 'come across') many kinds of shops where they (mozna dodac modala) buy whatever they want. Last but not least, it is not worth forgetting about entertainments like cinemas or fitness clubs, which big cities offer 'us' (dlaczego piszesz 'nam' jak wczesniej mowiles o 'nich'?). It only depends on 'our' (nie, bo nie mowisz o sobie albo o mnie, tylko o nieznajomych ludziach) choice how to spend a free time nicely.
Their areas are free 'of' (ja wole 'from') car fumes and other harmful substances. Besides, lower number of vehicles 'reduces' (reduce) persistent noise, which (tutal mozna dodac slowo 'ultimately') affects people’s comfort in a positive way.

I strongly believe that it is better solution to live in the 'centre' (raz dajesz AmE spellings (np. labor) , a drugi raz BrE) of a city.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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