One day 'a' (to znaczy ze mieli ich wiecej i tylko jedna zginela) daughter of one of the most famous doctors in London- John and Anna Bright unexpectedly got lost.
It was on Friday when Mr. and Mrs. Bright came 'back' (niepotrzebne slowo, nic nie dodaje do sensu zdania) home very late after spending long hours at work. They realized that their 'only' (to znaczy ze przedimek w pierwszym zdaniu jest zly, popraw) child- Mary was not at home. At the beginning they 'weren’t' (napisz to po ang - a nie jakos byle jak ...were not) very worried about that because it was typical for Mary to spend (przedimek) evening with friends 'out of home' (niezgrabne, jak kobieta z krzywymi nogami i niepotr). They tried to call her (ale jak? krzyczeli czy przez uzywanie telefonu?) several times to no effect. Long past midnight they decided to go to sleep and talk with their daughter in the morning because they were sure that she 'will' (zly modal, will jest za silny, nie bylo tyle pewnosci, pasuje 'would') be back then.
They were very nervous and argueD all the time putting the blame for the 'accident' (nie, tu jest zle slowo, accident to jak 2 samochody sie spotkaja, ona uciekla) on each other . They went to (przedimek) police 'office' (niepotr, mozna station) and reported the disappearance of Mary.
Mary was found after 2 weeks of searching 'her' (niepotr).
It turned out that she had escaped from home because she wanted to draw (brak slowa, a nie mowilam ze uciekla...) parents attention (ale do czego?) .
After this incident Mary proved TO them that the family is the most important 'value' (poszukaj inne slowo) in life.
At Friday evening on 25 March a daughter of the well known doctors in London 'got lost' (zle okreslenie, ona sie nie zgubila, tylko uciekla, jest cos takiego 'went missing').
Mr. and Mrs. Bright came 'back' (niepotr) home from work when they realized that their daughter was not there.
Searching 'of' (zle slowo, tutaj musi byc FOR, bo 'of' oznaczalo by osobista kontrole jej ciala) Mary lasted 2 weeks when she was found in another city. She escaped from home deliberately to get (brak slowa) parents attention and force them to spend time together.
“ I didn’t even realize that she 'feels' (zly czas, tutaj FELT) like that . I know that we made (przedimek) mistake. We were so scared that we lost her, money 'are' (zle slowo, tutaj IS) not worth it, “ comments Mrs. Bright.
It is another example of the family 'in which' (zle, napisz WHERE) chasING 'for' (niepotr) money comes first. Unfortunately (daj tutaj przecinek) people are not aware that in such cases children are those who suffer the most.