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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Studiujesz na zagranicznej uczelni i nie jesteś zadowolony z warunków panujących
w akademiku, w którym mieszkasz. Napisz list do władz uczelni, w którym przedstawisz
problemy studentów mieszkających w tym akademiku i zaproponujesz, w jaki sposób można
poprawić tę sytuację.

Dear Madam,

I am writing in connection with conditions that I have faced living in the school's academician. Very sorry I am to express my dissatisfaction with this facility as our univeristy is estimated to be the best in the county. Nonetheless I would be honoured if you happen to take my undermentioned proposals under consideration.
What strikes me the most as being unacceptable is the number and condition of bathrooms. There is a widespread agreement amongst students that we are enforced to waste too much of our time waiting for an unoccupied lavatory. Moreover when we finally enter it, it is dirty and causes uncomfort. It would be advisable to hire more service who would take care of the higiene as well as spare a thought of building a few more toilets.
Another point worth mentioning is the leaving a lot to be desired state of the swimming pool. Our accamedican pride itself of owning one, however it seems incorect that it reminds to be forgetten by the modernization. Attractive as it is this facility is becoming more and more neglected. To improve the situation, I recommend encouraging students to take on cleaning as well as ameliorative jobs. In the light of limited university funds this would be the best solution.
I strongly believe that our school would improve from above mentioned enhancements. I hope that recommendations presented in this letter will receive your serious consideration. If you happen to meet any difficulties in introducing the plan me and my colleagues would be more than elated to help.

Yours faithfully, XYZ
Dear Madam,

I am writing in connection with PRZEDIMEK conditions that I have faced living in the school's academician TO JEST AKADEMIK? JA BYM SPRAWDZIŁ.... Very sorry I am TU CHCIALES INWERSJE DAĆ? TO RACZEJ NIE PASUJE to express my dissatisfaction with this facility as our univeristy is estimated to be the best in the county HRABSTWO CZY KRAJ?. Nonetheless I would be honoured if you happen ZŁA FORMA+HAPPEN TO TUTAJ NIE PASUJE to take my undermentioned proposals< -TO SLOWO NIE PASUJE WG MNIE under consideration.
What strikes me the most as being unacceptable is the number and condition of PRZEDIMEK bathrooms. There is a widespread agreement amongst PRZEDIMEK students that we are enforced to waste too much of our time waiting for an unoccupied lavatory. Moreover, when we finally enter it, it is dirty and causes unDIScomfort. It would be advisable to hire more service who would take care of the higiene< -ORTOGRAF as well as spare a thought ofFOR building a few more toilets.
Another point worth mentioning is the leaving a lot to be desiredTHE HOPELESS state of the swimming pool. Our accamedican pride itself of owning one NIEZROZUMIAŁE ZDANIE, however it seems incorect that it reminds to be forgetten TO TEŻ NIEZROZUMIAŁE by the modernization. Attractive as it is this facility is becoming more and more neglected. To improve the situation, I recommend encouraging students to take on cleaning as well as ameliorativeNIE ROZUMIEM TEGO SŁOWA jobs. In the light of PRZEDIMEKlimited university funds this would be the best solution.
I strongly believe that our school would improve from< -ZLE SLOWO above mentioned enhancements. I hope that recommendations presented in this letter will receive your serious consideration. If you happen to meet any difficulties in introducing the plan me and my colleagues would be more than elated to help.
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 03 kwi 2016


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