proszę o sprawdzenie rozprawki

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Coraz więcej dużych miast tworzy sieć ścieżek rowerowych, redukując tym samym szerokość jezdni. Napisz rozprawkę dotyczącą tego zjawiska, w której uwzględnisz punkty widzenia rowerzysty oraz kierowcy samochodu.

This essay will examine two different points of view on the ongoing roadworks. It is understood that the road development is more than important, but whether reducing the width of the roadway for bike lines is favorable seems to be arguable.
One point of view is that bike line make cyclists safer. It is worth bearing in ming that 50% of bikes accidents and injuries or even deaths are caused by the drivers. A more spacious area for bikes would prevent people from getting hurt.
There has been also another advantage of having the bike line presented by the cyclists. Supposingly the road traffic is heavy. It is claimed that bikers often meet the situation of not being able to get through the road. Bikers as well as drivers need a space for themselves.
However, there are drivers who believe that the reduced road would cause a slowdown of shifting around. Due to the fact that cars will ought to drive slower, the time of driving will be elongated.
It is also argued that bike lines shouldn't be made beside the roads. Seldom do people use their bikes for getting to work. As long as bikers want to drive recreationaly bike lines should be created only in the suburbs.
In conclusion, bikers need safety as well as cars' drivers need fastness. My belief is that a survey should be done before any further actions. Unless the goverment acts now, the society may be dissatisfied.
It is understood that the road development is 'more than' (mozna napisac 'extremely') important, but whether reducing the width of the roadway for bike lines is favorable seems to be arguable.
It is worth bearing in 'ming' (ortog) that 50% of 'bikes' (tutaj l. poj) accidents and injuries or even deaths are caused by 'the' (zamiast 'the' napisz 'car') drivers.
There 'has been' (zly czas, tutaj IS) also another advantage of having the bike line 'presented by' (nie, tego nie masz na mysli, o czym myslisz to 'dedicated to) the cyclists. 'Supposingly' (zle slowo, tutaj 'supposing') the road traffic is heavy.
However, there are drivers who believe that the reduced road would cause a slowdown of' shifting around' (tego nie rozumiem). Due to the fact that cars 'will ought' (nie moga byc 2 modale obok siebie, tutaj 'will be forced) to drive slower(,) (nie potrzeba przecinka, wystarczy 'and') the time of driving will be elongated.
As long as bikers want to 'drive' (lepiej slowo 'cycle') recreationaly bike lines should be created only in the suburbs.
In conclusion, bikers need safety 'as well as' (nie, tutaj wystarczy 'and') 'cars'' (car) drivers need 'fastness' (zle slowo, 'speed). My belief is that a survey should be done before any further actions (generalnie dodajemy na koncu...are taken).

Zamiast 'bikers' to lepiej uzyc slowo 'cyclists'.


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