list do gazety

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Gazeta oglosila konkurs na najlepszą propozycje akcji wspierającej czytelnictwo w twoim mieście. Napisz list do gazety. Opisz w nim założenia swojego pomysłu i sposoby jego realizacji.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with the connection with the contest you have encouraged to enter in the latest of your newspapers. I am willing to present my very idea for encouraging the society to read more. I strongly believe that this issue is the one, that we can easily deal with, as in my belief people love to read, they are just too distracted to do so.
I would like to refer to the two researches. One of them was made two years ago, while the other month ago. Due to the results approximately 50% of the keen readers ceased to read in favour of proceeding technology. Not only seems the Internet to be more appealing to the current society but also the big part of community face difficulty in finding time for reading. My recommendations are as follows: the festival of book should be made in order to connect the Internet world with readers. We should invite lots of famous writers as well as the media. What is more, painters and IT specialists should try to combine technology with art in order to make a successful advertisement of the event.
I hope that the plan outlined above meets with your approval. I would be more than pleased if you decide to destine the money and organise the festival.

Your faithfully, XYZ
in connection with...
encourage kogo?
bez przecinka przed that
rsearch jest niepoliczalny
przedimek przed month
due to - złe wyrazenie
in favour of - nie pasuje mi to slowo
not only seems ... - źle skonstruowana inwersja
if you decide - niegramatyczne
destine - co to za slowo?
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 09 kwi 2016
po ' enter' bez 'in"
present to encourage (people,readers, youngsters lub cos w tym rodzaju) to..
the big part of community ( czegos brakuje ) faceS difficility... - wg. mnie busi być 's' ,bo to 'the big part' to jest 'it' .
co nie tak z tą inwersją?
taka inwersja wymaga zastosowania auxiliary verb - to on ulega inwersji
Not only, it seems, is the...
I am writing 'with' (zle slowo) 'the' (niepotrzebne slowo) connection with the contest you have encouraged (ale kogo? trzeba napisac) to enter in the latest (tutaj brakuje slowa, np. 'edition' albo 'issue') of your newspapers. I am willing to present my very (tu brakuje slowa) idea for encouraging the society to read more. I strongly believe that this issue is the one, that we can easily deal with, as in my belief (tu brakuje 2 slowa) people love to read, they are just too distracted to do so.
One of them was 'made' (to jest zle slowo, za bardzo polskie, tutaj 'conducted) 'two years ago' (ja wole rok, np 2014), while the other (a gdzie jest przedimek?) month ago. 'Due to the results' (to jest calkowicie zle, lepiej...The results show/indicate/illustrate that) approximately 50% of the keen readers ceased to read in favour of 'proceeding' (cos mi to slowo tutaj nie za bardzo pasuje) technology. Not only (tu brak 2 slowa, 'does it') 'seems' (tutaj 'seem') THAT the Internet (appears) to be more appealing to the current society (ja lubie przecinek przed slowem 'but') but also THAT 'the' (zly przedimek, tutaj 'a') big part of (brak przedimka) community face difficulty in finding time for reading. My recommendations are as follows: the festival of book should be 'made' (nie, to jest zle slowo, poszukaj innego) in order to connect the Internet world with (brak przedimka) readers. We should invite 'lots of' (to jest na za niskim poziomie na taki tezt, tutaaj 'numerous', many cos takiego) famous writers as well as the media (ale kogo? media to jest TV/radio...trzeba mowic tutaj o ludziach).
I would be more than pleased if you decide to 'destine the money' (cos to nie jest za bardzo zgrabne) and organise the festival.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie