Matura ustna rozmowa sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 31
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Proszę o poprawienie błędów w dialogu.

A.Hello. What's up?
B.Hi. I'm fine. And you?
A.I' m too. I heard that you intend to spend two weeks in Poland with your family.
B.Yes, sure. We want to visit some interesting places.
A. Nice!
B.We are going to spend few days in your area. Are there some rooms for rent or a hotel?
A.Yes. Around me are lots of rooms to rent in very decent prize. A few streets aways, there is very pretty and enexpensive guesthouse.
B.Thats great! Tell me, how interestan places can we see at Poland?
A. It's a lot of that! I think you must necessarily see capital of Poland, Warsaw. It's worth seeing Cracow, polish sea or mountains.
B.That's great. We must go there. How's the weather?
A.It' s cold. The weather will hold out until the end of the week. Then, it will be warmer, but not too hot.
B.What clothes should I bring?
A.You should bring a jacket, trainers and a warm sweater.
B.Okay. Thanks for the information. Speak to you vlater. Bye.
A.Take care. Bye.
Are there some rooms for rent or a hotel?
Around me are lots of rooms to rent in very decent prize.
A few streets aways, there is very pretty and enexpensive guesthouse.
Tell me, how interestan places can we see at Poland?
Popraw polish, whats, nie wiem czy zaliczą I'm too lub yes, sure
+ inne błędy.
edytowany przez Aaric: 16 kwi 2016
"+inne błędy" to jakie mam jeszcze poprawić?
zamiast "yes, sure" będzie dobrze "Yes, that is right." ?
"+inne błędy" to jakie mam jeszcze poprawić?
głównie stylistyka. np na 'what's up?' nie odpowiadamy 'I'm fine'
zamiast "yes, sure" będzie dobrze "Yes, that is right." ?
zamiast "yes, sure" będzie dobrze "Yes, that is right." ?
może być;)
"+inne błędy" to jakie mam jeszcze poprawić?
głównie stylistyka. np na 'what's up?' nie odpowiadamy 'I'm fine'

A tak może być: Hi. Everything is fine. ?
A.Hello. What's up?
B.Hi. Everything is fine. What about you?
A.I' m too. I heard that you intend to spend two weeks in Poland with your family.
B.Yes, that is right. We want to visit some interesting places.
A. Nice!
B.We are going to spend few days in your area. Are there any rooms for rent or a hotel?
A.Yes. Around me are lots of rooms to rent in very decent price. A few streets away, there is very pretty and expensive guesthouse.
B.Thats great! Tell me, how interesting places can we see at Poland?
A. It's a lot of that! I think you must necessarily see capital of Poland, Warsaw. It's worth seeing Cracow, sea or mountains.
B.That's great. We must go there. How's the weather?
A.It' s cold. The weather will hold out until the end of the week. Then, it will be warmer, but not too hot.
B.Which clothes should I bring?
A.You should bring a jacket, trainers and a warm sweater.
B.Okay. Thanks for the information. Speak to you vlater. Bye.
A.Take care. Bye.

Gdzie są jeszcze błedy ?
Podkresliłem 'enexpensive' to nie znaczy miałaś napisać 'drogi'
Myślałem że nacisnęłaś zły klawisz pisząc 'vlater' i 'interestan' ale w poprawionej wersji wciąż masz.
Znasz mniej więcej przedimki, prawda? Popraw przed takimi rzeczownikami jak np 'capital'.
What clothes... było poprawnie w pierwszym wpisie.
edytowany przez Aaric: 17 kwi 2016
A.Hello. What's up?
B.Hi. Everything is fine. What about you?
A.For me too. I heard that you intend to spend two weeks in Poland with your family.
B.Yes, that is right. We want to visit some interesting places.
A. Nice!
B.We are going to spend few days in your area. Are there any rooms for rent or a hotel?
A.Yes. Around me are lots of rooms to rent in very decent price. A few streets away, there is very pretty and cheap guesthouse.
B.Thats great! Tell me, how interesting places can we see at Poland?
A. It's a lot of that! I think you must necessarily see a capital of Poland, Warsaw. It's worth seeing Cracow, a sea or a mountains.
B.That's great. We must go there. How's the weather?
A.It' s cold. The weather will hold out until the end of the week. Then, it will be warmer, but not too hot.
B.What clothes should I bring?
A.You should bring a jacket, trainers and a warm sweater.
B.Okay. Thanks for the information. Speak to you later. Bye.
A.Take care. Bye.

Teraz dobrze?
C'mon, jest tylko jedna stolica.
'a mountains'? wrrrrrrrr!!!
edytowany przez Aaric: 17 kwi 2016
'cheap' ok. 'inexpensive' - lepiej. 'at Poland' - nigdy.
A.Hello. What's up?
B.Hi. Everything is fine. What about you?
A.For me too. I heard that you intend to spend two weeks in Poland with your family.
B.Yes, that is right. We want to visit some interesting places.
A. Nice!
B.We are going to spend few days in your area. Are there any rooms for rent or a hotel?
A.Yes. Around me are lots of rooms to rent in very decent price. A few streets away, there is very pretty and inexpensive guesthouse.
B.Thats great! Tell me, how interesting places can we see in Poland?
A. It's a lot of that! I think you must necessarily see a capital of Poland, Warsaw. It's worth seeing Cracow, the Baltic Sea or the Tatra mountains.
B.That's great. We must go there. How's the weather?
A.It' s cold. The weather will hold out until the end of the week. Then, it will be warmer, but not too hot.
B.What clothes should I bring?
A.You should bring a jacket, trainers and a warm sweater.
B.Okay. Thanks for the information. Speak to you later. Bye.
A.Take care. Bye.

trochę pozmieniałam lepiej brzmi? są jeszcze błędy z tą jedyną stolicą Polski to co masz na myśli? mam to dopisać?
Tell me, how interesting places can we see in Poland? jak byś to poprawiła?
Speak to you later. raczej nie
Już nie przepisuj całości.
Napisałem wcześniej 'jest tylko jedna stolica'
edytowany przez Aaric: 18 kwi 2016
Tell me what's interesting place we can seen in Poland?
Speak to you soon.

teraz dobrze?
Znasz inne słowo oprócz 'speak'?
To jak będzie z tą 'stolicą'?
zamieniłaś dobrze jedno słowo w 1, a dalsze zmiany są na gorsze
Tell me what's interesting place we can seen in Poland? to jest gorzej niż przedtem;)
Tell me what's interesting place we can seen in Poland?

Could you tell me what interesting places We can see?
zamiast tego:
Speak to you later.

Talk to you later.

teraz ok?
tak, poprawione, ale czemu 'we' dużą literą i gdzie 'in Poland'?

talk to you later - OK
I think you must necessarily see the capital of Poland, Warsaw. It's worth seeing Cracow, the Baltic Sea or the Tatra mountains.

teraz dobrze?
dobrze, ale brakuje slowka 'również'
I think you must necessarily see the capital of Poland, Warsaw. It's worth also seeing Cracow, the Baltic Sea or the Tatra mountains.

It's worth also seeing szyk
It's worth also seeing szyk

najpierw seeing potem also?
To nie wiem gdzie to również ma być
Dziwię się że dużo osób pisze w takiej samej kolejności. (It's worth also seeing)
Moim zdaniem, powinno być po 'It's'
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 31
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