Rozprawka maturalna - sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej, prosiłabym o sprawdzenie rozprawki na poziomie matury rozszerzonej.
W miarę możliwości proszę także o poprawienie błędów a nie wskazanie w którym miejscu takowy się znajduje :)
Z góry dziękuję :)

The spring is coming and because of that many people decide to start tavelling by bike around the city. However, the other part of community belive that it isn’t a good idea. That’s why reflections on advantages and desadvantages of this problem are of a daily occurrence.
Supporters of that mean of transport are mostly people who care about healthy lifestyle. For example, getting to work by bike could ensure them their daily dose of sport. Spending time active and on the fresh air can also help them to relax and improve their mood. Addictionaly, these people don’t have to care about parking places or traffic jams. Besides that, they can save some money because travelling by bike is totally free.
On the other hand, it isn’t as comfortable as travelling by car. In car we are independent from the weather. We can avoid getting sweat when it’s hot outside or freeze when it’s cold. Apart from that we don’t have to carry all our staff and we can easily put them to the boot. Unfortunetely, it is important to mention that cars generete pollution which is harmful for environment.
Taking everything into consideration, in my opinion, we shouldn’t became discouraged becacuse of few desadvantages. Travelling by bike is good not only for us but also for our planet. We should remember about it. Maybe it is a time to make a change in our lifes?
a coż tyle literówek ?
Faktycznie. Ale zauważyłam teraz tylko dwie, więc reszta to pewnie błędy a nie kwestia pośpiesznego pisania na klawiaturze.
The spring is coming and because of that many people decide to start tavelling TU by bike around the city. However, the other part of community SPOLECZNOSCI? belive TU that it isn’t a good idea. That’s why reflections on PRZEDIMEK advantages and desadvantages TU of this problem are of a daily occurrence.NIE ROZUMIEM TEJ KONCOWKI 'CODZIENNEGO WYSTĘPOWANIA'?
PRZEDIMEK Supporters of that meanS of transport are mostly people who care about PRZEDIMEK healthy lifestyle. For example, getting to work by bike could ensure them their daily dose of sport. Spending time active MA BYC: AKTYWNIE, W AKTYWNY SPOSOB and on the fresh air POLONIZM can also help them to relax and improve their mood. Addictionaly TU, these people don’t have to care about parking places or traffic jams. Besides that, they can save some money because travelling by bike is totally free.
On the other hand, it isn’t as comfortable as travelling by car. In PRZEDIMEK car we are independent from the weather. We can avoid getting sweat POT when it’s hot outside or freeze when it’s cold. Apart from that we don’t have to carry all our staff TU and we can easily put them NAPRAWDE CHODZI CI O PERSONEL? to the boot. Unfortunetely,TU it is important to mention that cars generete TU pollution which is harmful for INNE SLOWO, PRZEDIMEK environment.
Taking everything into consideration, in my opinion, we shouldn’t became GRUBY ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA discouraged becacuse of few desadvantages TU. Travelling by bike is good not only for us but also for our planet. We should remember about it. Maybe it is a time to make a change in our lifes TU?
Temat:Coraz częściej słyszymy o osobach , które decydują się wyruszyć samotnie na trudną wyprawę. Zalety i wady podróży samotnie.(rozprawka)

More and more people are traveling alone because they search up new attractions . The moot question is whether this phenomenon has only positive sides or if it is a negative trend. This is what I will discuss below in the following paragraphs .
Firstly , the proponents of the travel alone argue , that the people who travel alone can will feel freedom and they can relax from people.
Secondly , people who decide on the travel alone learn self-discipline and skill survival. Lastly, the people who travel alone can travel without anyone and are self-sufficient.
On the other hand , the opponents argue that people who travel alone as got died it anyone not known what happend. Moreover , the people who travel alone often have problem with communication between other people. What is more, the travel alone can be dangerous for example as we will sick , it nobody not help us .
Taking into consideration all the aforementioned arguments we can see more for than against and I am this the same sentence but this is your choice if you prefer travel alone or in group.

Ps. Od razu mówie że jest to moja pierwsza rozprawka także ilość błędów może być spora :D Z góry dziękuję za sprawdzenie :)
to juz druga rozprawka na ten same temat. Znajdz analogiczny watek sprzed kilku dni.
Cytat: mg
to juz druga rozprawka na ten same temat. Znajdz analogiczny watek sprzed kilku dni.
owszem może i druga ale chodzi mi ogólnie o sprawdzenie czy to może się nadawać na rozprawkę , ewentualnie co muszę poprawić :)
Ponieważ nie chciało Ci się założyć osobnego wątku, skopiuj przynajmniej swoj tekst do wątku z pierwszym wypracowaniem na ten sam temat. Niektóre uwagi dotyczą także Twojej pracy.
we shouldn’t became

shouldn't become ;)
Cytat: mg
Ponieważ nie chciało Ci się założyć osobnego wątku, skopiuj przynajmniej swoj tekst do wątku z pierwszym wypracowaniem na ten sam temat. Niektóre uwagi dotyczą także Twojej pracy.

ok w sumie trochę sam nakombinowałem :D ok założę nowy temat. pozdrawiam :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia