
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Fine reckons on duty of paying the sum of money which is stated in the court judgement. Fine is paid on behalf of Treasury. The court is obligated to the into consideration the violator’s incomes, family situation, material standing and gainful possibilities. Fine is the penalty which is awarded when law social harm penalty is comitted. It is very often exchanged by restriction of liberty. The main advantage of this penalty is that it is very simple and cheap. The violators do not sweat the penalty in the prison. They do not have any contact with low-life. On the other hand, fine points that commiting crimes is inviable.
Fine is awarded in the day rates. The court decrees the height and the quality of the day rates. The lowest – 10, the highest – 540. The highest fine is determined between 1[tel]zł. Is is depended on the wealthiness. The Penal Code sets that two day rates are equivalent of one day deprivation liberty and two days restriction of liberty. Fine must be paid within 30 days. When the violator does not pay the fine, the state institues the enforcement proceedings. Fine can be ingerate and accumulative penalty.
Fine 'reckons' (cos tutaj nie jest tak z tym slowem, calkowicie nie pasuje do tekstu) on duty of paying 'the' (zly przedimek) sum of money which is stated in the court judgement. Fine is paid on behalf of (brak przedimka) Treasury. The court is obligated 'to the into' (cos tu nie tak, brakuje slow) consideration (brak slowa) the violator’s incomes, family situation, material standing and gainful possibilities. Fine is the penalty which is awarded when 'law social harm' (tego nie rozumiem) penalty is 'comitted' (ortog). It is very often exchanged 'by' (wg mnoie zle slowo, lepiej TO) restriction of liberty. The main advantage of this penalty is that it is very simple and cheap (tu cos administer?). The violators do not 'sweat the penalty' (tego nie rozumiem) in 'the' (niepotr) prison. They do not have any contact with (wg mnie tutsaj potrxzeba przedimka) low-life. On the other hand, fine points that 'commiting' (ortog) crimes is 'inviable' (zle slowo) - ale cale zdanie jest zle napisane, nie moge polapac o co chodzi).
Fine is awarded in 'the' (niepotr) day rates. The court decrees the 'height' (zle slowo, kalka z polskiego) and the quality of the day rates.
Is 'is depended' (a dlaczego nie mozesz tego napisac zeby kazdy zrozumial, tutaj tylko 'it depends) on the 'wealthiness' (ale kogo? mnie?). The Penal Code sets that two day rates are equivalent 'of' (zle slowo, tutaj TO) one day (brak slowa) deprivation (brak slowa) liberty and two days restriction of liberty. (brak przedimka) fine must be paid within 30 days. When the violator does not pay the fine, the state 'institues' (ortog) 'the' (niepotr) enforcement proceedings. Fine can be 'ingerate' (zla czesc mowu) and 'accumulative' (zla czesc mowy) penalty.

Co to robisz z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the)?
edytowany przez terri: 08 maj 2016



