Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie artykułu!! Na wstępie muszę powiedzieć, że zawsze mam problem z przedimkami i nigdy nie wiem który jest odpowiedni.
Będę bardzo wdzięczna!!
It is sunny day and there are a lot of teenagers on the sports ground. A few of them are running on the track or jumping into the sand. The rest of them are warming up near the sports field.
The trainer, Rafał, watches them closely. He is a well-build 40-year-old man with specific hairstyle. As a child he trained track and field. He was the best in hurdles. But his second love was handball. During a handball game Rafał had a terrible injury. After that he had a special knee surgery and had to end up with sport. So he became a PE teacher and set up sports club.
"Mr. Rafał is a wonderful coach. He is caring and forgiving, but also very demanding." explains Filip, who has two gold medals Polish Championships in triple jump and one in long jump, "I can talk with him about everything." His friend Damian adds: "The trainer has also a great sense of humour, so we have a lot of fun on trainings."
But this job is not so easy. Rafał devotes a lot of time to prepare suitable trainings for his contestants and spends hours on the sports field. Thanks to him many people achieved success. He is looked up by a lot of people and some boys would like to be like he.
What are Rafał's plans? He said that he would help people to develop their abilities until he would be healthy and strong enough.
edytowany przez margaretka1818: 08 maj 2016