Sprawdzenie zadań - passive voice

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Witam, rozwiązałem 3 zadania z passive voice i byłbym bardzo wdzięczny, gdyby ktoś mi je sprawdził - http://pastebin.com/CgH4mbWH Z góry bardzo dziękuję za szybką odpowiedź.
1.When I was doing shopping, my car „was washed” (wash). UZYJ PRESENT CONT.
2.When she arrived, the meeting „was started” (start). UZYJ PAST PERFECT
3.The museum „had been visited”(visit) three times before it „was closed” (close).
4.Our room „will be painted „(paint) next week.
5.They „ were translated” the documents (translate)into English three days ago. ŹLE, NA PEWNO TAM JEST 'THEY'?
6.He realized that he „had been followed” (follow) by the police.
7.The letters „were thrown away” (throw away) by someone by mistake.
8.The match „ will be played” (play) tomorrow.
9.A lot of foreign films „are subtitled” (subtitle).
10.English „has been spoken” (speak) here for many years now.
11.She „will be cut” her hair(cut) next week. TU MUSISZ UZYC KONSTRUKCJI 'HAVE STH DONE'
12.The bill „must be paid” (must / pay)right now.
13.You „ will be taken „(take)to the hotel by taxi in an hour.
14.This film „ is based” (base) on the famous novel.
15.I „have been repaired” my car(repair) lately. ŹLE, NA POCZĄTKU MA BYĆ 'I'?
In the United States elections for president „is held” every four years. TO L. MNOGA
The say he was dishonest - He … „He was dishonest they are said” ŹLE
How do people learn languages? - How „languages are learnt by people?” INWERSJA
They believed that he did it. - He „ did it they were believed” ŹLE, HE WAS BELIEVED ...
They haven’t bought a new furniture yet - „New furniture haven’t been bought by them yet. FURTNITURE TO L. POJ.
She is going to watch this programme - „This programme is going to watch by her” ŹLE
They said he committed that crime - „He committed that crime they were said” ŹLE, HE WAS SAID ...
Będę wdzięczny za sprawdzenie poprawionych błędów.
1.When I was doing shopping, my car „is being washed” (wash). A nie powinno być „was being washed”?
2.When she arrived, the meeting „had been started” (start). UZYJ PAST PERFECT
3.The museum „had been visited”(visit) three times before it „was closed” (close).
4.Our room „will be painted „(paint) next week.
5.They „ were translated” the documents (translate)into English three days ago. ŹLE, NA PEWNO TAM JEST 'THEY'? Tak, wszystko jest poprawnie przepisane.
6.He realized that he „had been followed” (follow) by the police.
7.The letters „were thrown away” (throw away) by someone by mistake.
8.The match „ will be played” (play) tomorrow.
9.A lot of foreign films „are subtitled” (subtitle).
10.English „has been spoken” (speak) here for many years now.
11.She „will have” her hair(cut) next week. TU MUSISZ UZYC KONSTRUKCJI 'HAVE STH DONE'
12.The bill „must be paid” (must / pay)right now.
13.You „ will be taken „(take)to the hotel by taxi in an hour.
14.This film „ is based” (base) on the famous novel.
15.I „have been repaired” my car(repair) lately. ŹLE, NA POCZĄTKU MA BYĆ 'I'? Tak jest w zadaniu.

In the United States elections for president „are held” every four years. TO L. MNOGA
The say he was dishonest - He … „He is said that he was dishonest”
How do people learn languages? - How „languages are learnt by people?” INWERSJA - a nie może być tak?
21.They believed that he did it. - He „ was believed that he did it” ŹLE, HE WAS BELIEVED ... ale to jest źle raczej
They haven’t bought a new furniture yet - „New furniture hasn’t been bought by them yet. FURTNITURE TO L. POJ.
She is going to watch this programme - „This programme is going to be watched by her” ŹLE
They said he committed that crime - „He was said that he committed that crime” ŹLE, HE WAS SAID ... Tylko, że wtedy zdanie zmienia znaczenie, podobnie jest w przykładzie 21.
1 tak, was being, pomylilem sie
5 no to jest źle
11 cut bez nawiasu
15 no to jest źle
is said to ...
daj inwersje
was believed to ...
was said to ...
poczytaj o tym:
czy wszedzie musiala byc uzyta strona bierna?
bo np. w nr 2 pasuje 'the meeting had started', podobnie w zdaniu o tlumaczeniu dokumentow pasuje strona czynna
Czy teraz jest już wszystko poprawnie zrobione? Rozumiem, że przykład 5 i 15 jest po prostu źle skonstruowany i nie da się go zrobić poprawnie zgodnie z podanym szablonem? W zadaniu 11 jest nawias, więc tak przepisałem, ale chyba tak powinno być.
1.When I was doing shopping, my car „was being washed” (wash).
2.When she arrived, the meeting „had been started” (start).
3.The museum „had been visited”(visit) three times before it „was closed” (close).
4.Our room „will be painted „(paint) next week.
5.They „ were translated” the documents (translate)into English three days ago.
6.He realized that he „had been followed” (follow) by the police.
7.The letters „were thrown away” (throw away) by someone by mistake.
8.The match „ will be played” (play) tomorrow.
9.A lot of foreign films „are subtitled” (subtitle).
10.English „has been spoken” (speak) here for many years now.
11.She „will have” her hair(cut) next week.
12.The bill „must be paid” (must / pay)right now.
13.You „ will be taken „(take)to the hotel by taxi in an hour.
14.This film „ is based” (base) on the famous novel.
15.I „have been repaired” my car(repair) lately.

In the United States elections for president „are held” every four years.
The say he was dishonest - He … „He is said to was dishonest”
How do people learn languages? - How „people are learnt languages?”
21.They believed that he did it. - He „ was believed to he did it”
They haven’t bought a new furniture yet - „New furniture hasn’t been bought by them yet.
She is going to watch this programme - „This programme is going to be watched by her”
They said he committed that crime - „He was said to he committed that crime”
W zadaniu 11 jest nawias, więc tak przepisałem, w każdym zdaniu masz nawias i wstawiles odpowiedz poza nawiasem, więc tu też tak zrób (sug) ;)
edytowany przez Aaric: 06 cze 2016
Rozumiem, że czynnikiem warunkującym użycie konstrukcji HAVE STH DONE w przykładzie "She ... her hair(cut) next week." jest wyraz "her", ponieważ bez niego poprawnie można by również zapisać tak "She will be cut hair next week."? Dodatkowo, czy w przykładzie "When I was doing shopping, my car „was being washed” (wash). " poprawnie by było również "was washed"?
Zastanawiały mnie zawsze też takie przykłady "When she arrived, the meeting „had been started” (start)." Przecież najpierw przyjechała, a dopiero później zaczęło się spotkanie, zatem dlaczego czasy nie są użyte na odwrót? Czy po prostu dzięki użyciu w ten sposób czasów, wiemy że spotkanie się zaczęło i ona wtedy przyjechała? W drugą stronę by było tak, że kiedy przyjechała dopiero rozpoczęło się spotkanie?
poprawnie można by również zapisać tak "She will be cut hair next week." w odp. kontekście można ew. 'She will be cutTING hair next week.' Bez HER znaczy że będzie strzygła czyjekolwiek włosy.
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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie