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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I usually having dinner at 16 or 14 o'clock because, I often come back late from school. I usually eat dinner in the kitchen. I usually eat dinner with the all family, but at times I eat alone. Usually when I am having dinner I am talking with my family or I am looking social media through on my mobile phone. I think it's important to eat together, because you can talk about what you did that day or talk about your problems.
najpierw piszesz 'I usually having', a potem 'I usually eat'. Zdecyduj sie, tylko jedna forma jest dobra
16 , 14 o'clock - tak sie nie pisze godzin w angielskim
the all family - o jedno slowo za duzo
Usually when I am having dinner I am talking with my family or I am looking social media through on my mobile phone - tutaj uzywasz zlego czasu
Nic gorszego nie ma jak ogladanie telefonu (po co?) kiedy sie jest przy stole z rodzina.
najpierw piszesz 'I usually having' odpada w/g mnie :)
Błąd w każdym zdaniu.....