Poprawi mi ktoś dokładnie błędy w liście formalnym?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o poprawienie błędów w liście formalnym, ale tak dokładnie bo sama raczej nie dojdę do tego jak powinno być poprawnie :(

Budynek Twojej szkoły jest stary i zaniedbany. Napisz list do władz lokalnych, w którym opiszesz zły stan budynku i zaproponujesz rozwiązania, które poprawiłyby tę sytuację.

Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to point out that the condition of my school is an appalling state and suggest some solutions to the problem.

When I first come to this school the building has been well-maintained. The construction had a tight windows and was regularly heated. The classrooms were sterile, equipped with complacent chairs and benches. Everyone felt pleasurable.

Recently, however, the condition of this building is unacceptable. On the outside, the school looks appalling. Ancient and scuffed bricks create a repulsive sight. It does not look encouraging. The windows are leaking and we are fed up with sitting in cold classrooms. Also, on the walls are damp and mould. Many students are allergies so these conditions have affected on their health. The reason of that there has been no money invested in renovating the building for a long time.

It would be in everyone's interests to improve the standards in the school. Students spends in the school even eight hours a day so they need a good circumstances for learning. One solution might be to insulate the windows. We want to feel cosily in this place.

I feel very strongly about this issue and hope that we shall see some improvements soon.

Yours faithfully,