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Nowadays, social media are becoming more and more popular. This is why an increasing number of people decide to share their private informations with others on the Internet. What are arguments for and against this idea?

There are plenty of good reasons for sharing your personal details on networking sites. Firstly, new media, in particular blogs, are opening up new opportunities for communication. It is an astonishing solution for those, who want to tell about their valuable experiences to wider audience. Secondly, it also enables us to find out more about our ols acquaintances. It is very convenient for those, who do not have a posibility or time to gather and chatter with old friends.

Nevertheless, sharing private informations also have some disadvantages. First of all, you can not remove all the informations from the Internet, which you had published before. You mat want to delete some embarrasing photos of you over time, but it will not be possible - they will stay there forever. Last but not least, your photos or informations can be cooied and used by an unwelcome person. You never know who visits your Facebook profile - somebody may want to use your personal informations agains you.

In conclusion, there are both benefits and drawback of sharing personal informations on social media. Taking into consideration all the aforementioned arguments, I am inclined to agree with the proponents more. However, it is a matter of personal choice and carefulness of users.

Obawiam się, że mogłabym na maturze oberwać za bogactwo językowe, jak myślicie? Pisałam bez słownika i krótko czyli tak jak na maturze
Cytat: Patrycjaaa12
Nowadays, social media are becoming more and more popular. This is why = WLASNIE DLATEGO. NAPISZ NP. ACCORDINGLY an increasing number of people decide to share their private informations WIESZ, ZE TU JEST BLADS GRAMATYCZNYS? with others on the Internet. What are arguments for and against this idea?

There are plenty of good reasons for sharing your personal details on networking sites. Firstly, new media, in particular blogs, are opening up new opportunities for communication. It is an astonishing solution for those, BEZ PRZECINKA who want to tell TUTAJ KONIECZNE DOPELNIENIE about their valuable ALE IMIE NAZWISKO, SAMOCHOD TO NIE SA VALUABLE EXPERIENCES experiences to wider audience. Secondly, it also enables us to find out more about our ols acquaintances. It is very convenient for those, ZNOWU who do not have a posibility TO SLOWO NIE LACZY SIE W BEZOKOLICZNIKIEM or time to gather LEPIEJ GET TOGETHER and chatter TO SLOWO NA NEGATYWNE SKOJARZENIA, NAPISZ 'CHAT' with old friends.

Nevertheless, sharing private informations ZNOWU also have some disadvantages. First of all, you can not LACZNIE remove all the informations JEJKU ZNOWU, from the Internet, ZNOWU which you had NIE TEN PERFECT published before. You mat TU TEZ LITEROWKA want to delete some embarrasing photos of you over time, but it will not be possible - they will stay there forever. Last but not least, your photos or informations HMMMM can be cooied LITEROWKA and used by an unwelcome JAKA? person. You never know who visits your Facebook profile - somebody may want to use your personal informations ZZZZZ agains LITEROWKA you.

In conclusion, there are both benefits and drawback JEDEN? of TO sharing personal informations NO ZA SZOSTYM RAZEM TO KAZDY BY POPRAWIL :-) on social media. Taking into consideration all the aforementioned LEPIEJ: ABOVE arguments, I am inclined to agree with the proponents NIEJASNE, JAKICH PROPONENTS more. However, it is a matter of personal choice and carefulness of users.

Obawiam się, że mogłabym na maturze oberwać za bogactwo językowe, jak myślicie? ZA GRAMATYKE Pisałam bez słownika i krótko czyli tak jak na maturze

Tak :/
Rozprawka jest o szczegółach życia prywatnego
jak chcesz się popisać bogactwem językowym, to wybierz opowiadanie
Nie ma już opowiadania na maturze
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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