Proszę o sprawdzenie artykułu

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Anyone who passed by the shopping mall in pur town yesterday would have seen an unusual sight. Around two hundred of weird disguised people were siting on the ground in front of the building. What did they want to show?

The pro-ecologic society organised the protest against excessive using of plastic bags, which took place yesterday morning. The participants of the demonstration were holding banners and cards with the words: "Plastic bags make the environment sad". They also were dressed untipically. You could see colorful shirts, skirts and trousers made from scraped, shopping bags. The protest wasn't very peaceful: the people were yelling, showing their anger and dissatisfaction. Some of them gave speeches about how plastic bags effect on our planet and of course us - people. The participants were well-prepared and very convincing - more people were joining them seeing what was happening.

Well, it seems that plastic bags damage the environment. Personally, I partly agree with the protestants - "There is no Planet B" as they said. To my mind, using plastic bags is justified - they're more durable than paper ones, but it's important to use them resonably. I feel strongly, that the mall shouldn't change its habits because of the demonstration. It's about the customers to decide to use plastic bags or not.

So, dear demonstrators, please let people decide about which type of packaging or bags they want to use as we live in a free country and have the right to chose.
Anyone who passed by the shopping mall in pur OUR town yesterday would have seen an unusual sight. Around two hundred of weird< -ZŁA CZĘŚĆ MOWY disguised people were siting< -ORTOGRAF on the ground in front of the building. What did they want to show?

The pro-ecologicAL society < -ZA 'GRUBE' SŁOWO organised the< -CZEMU TAKI PRZEDIMEK? protest against PRZEDIMEK excessive usingUSE of plastic bags, which took place yesterday morning. The participants of the demonstration were holding banners and cards with the words: "Plastic bags make the environment sad". They also were dressed untipically. You could see colorful shirts, skirts and trousers made from scraped, CZEMU PRZECINEK? shopping bags. The protest wasn't MOZNA UZYWAC FORM SKROCONYH NA ROZPRAWCE? very peaceful: the people were yelling, showing their anger and dissatisfaction. Some of them gave speeches about how plastic bags effect on AFFECT our planet and of course us - people. The participants were well-prepared and very convincing - more people were joining them seeing what was happening.

Well, it seems that plastic bags damage the environment. Personally, I partly agree with the protestants - "There is no Planet B" as they said. To my mind, using plastic bags is justified - they're more durable than paper ones, but it's important to use them resonably. I feel strongly, BEZ PRZECINKA that the mall shouldn't change its habits because of the demonstration TO ZDANIE MI SIE NIE PODOBA. It's about the customers to decide to use plastic bags or not. I TO TEŻ, 'ABOUT' JEST ŹLE

So, dear demonstrators, please let people decide about which type of packaging or bags they want to use as we live in a free country and have the right to chose.

To jest artykul, nie rozprawka wiec moge uzywac skrotow
Czemu nie society, chcialam orgznizacja ae potme mam podobny czasownik
Czemu nie about
Bardziej chodzi mi o prawo, mialam w poleceniu, ze centrum handlowe uzywa plastikowych toreb, zmienmy w takim razie prawo, a nie polityke sklepu - zmieni sie prawo sklep ma sie dostosowac, nie ma prawa - kazdy ma prawo wyboru, no i to jest moja opiniw a taka wlasnie mialam wyrazic
Zreszta Zielonosiwy, a ty nie używasz? Na pewno były jakies protesty ekologow, a mimo to nadal sklepy nie zmienily seojej polityki, bo z polecenia wynikw ze akurat te jedne centrum handlowe ma zmienic zwyczaje, prawo polskie nie zabraniw iz uzywania,
Gdyby tak bylo, pewnie bysmy juz ich jie uzywali
dla mnie zbyt pretensjonalne to 'society', bo mowi sie np. 'royal society'

Staram sie jak najmniej. Czyli sklep powinien ich dalej używać tylko dlatego, ze prawo tego nie zabrania? a gdyby prawo nie zabraniało morderstwa, to mordestwo byłoby ok? ;-)
Ale np bo mi te society przyszlo do glowy, bo np w moim repetytorium w dziale szkola, society to tez np kolko zainteresowan, ma chyba szeroki zakres
No ale dlaczego np wlasciciel centrum handlowego ma sie dostosowac do pojedynczego protestu zelaszcza w "town", uwazam ze jak juz cos to kto jest maniakiem w tej sprawie niech sobie dba o siebie, nied organizuje protesty w wawie przed rzadem, a nie przed malutkim centrum handlowym,
Ja np mam taka szufladke i tam są wszystkie torebki, wychodze do sklepu to biore jedna z nich, jak sie porwie wyrzucam do kosza i biore kolejna z szufladki, a tamte zuzyte sa segregowane
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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia