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An international rescue effort followed, but was bedevilled by official apathy and political interference on the part of the Italians.
On 31 of may Malmgren, with Commanders Mariano and Zappi, begin a trek toward land, to bring help. Four days later soviet amateur radio operator Nikolai Schmidt in Vokhma village hears the Italia SOS signals
On 5 of June Norwegian pilot makes the first flight in search of the Italia. In the ensuing weeks, pilots from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia and Italy make search and rescue flights.
In the middle of June Roald Amundsen and five others disappear on a flight to Spitsbergen to aid in rescue operations. Two weeks later Swedish pilot Einar Lundborg forcibly removes Nobile from the ice floe but crashes his plane on the return for more survivors and is trapped with the others, he will be picked up from the ice floe by his Swedish co-pilot Birger Schyberg in a light ski-biplane. Schyberg intends to rescue the other five persons as well, but changing ice conditions lead him to change his mind after having brought Lundborg to safety.
On the 12 of July, Soviet icebreaker ‘Krasin’ rescues Mariano and Zappi, who were located from Krasin's large aircraft the previous day. There wasn’t Malmgren with them. While Mariano was extremly famished, Zappi looked quite good. Zappi explained that Malmgren told them to left him behind becouse of his frostbites. His body have never been found. These facts effect that Zappi was accused of cannibalism. Mariano has always declined recounting about what happened. The five remaining Italia survivors were rescued by the ice-breaker later the same day.

Z góry dzięki,
edytowany przez daderga: 06 lis 2016
zaznacz zdania, ktore sam napisales.
"Redagowałem" tekst z polskiego artykułu, większość pisałem sam, chodzi mi o czas i konstrukcje czy jest ok.
Np. Zappi explained that Malmgren told them to left him behind becouse of his frostbites. Czy nie powinno być PP?
edytowany przez daderga: 07 lis 2016
widze zdania, ktorych na pewno nie napisales, skoro w innych robisz bledy, jakie robisz, a w dodatku te zdania sa do znalezienia w internecie.
zdecyduj sie, jakiego czasu uzywasz, bo wiekszosc narracji jest w terazniejszym, a to zdanie powyzej w przeszlym
skopiuj tylko te zdania, ktore sam napisales
Four days later soviet amateur radio operator Nikolai Schmidt in Vokhma village hears the Italia SOS signals

Two weeks later Swedish pilot Einar Lundborg forcibly removes Nobile from the ice floe but crashes his plane on the return for more survivors and is trapped with the others, he will be picked up from the ice floe by his Swedish co-pilot Birger Schyberg in a light ski-biplane.

Praktycznie cały akapit
On the 12 of July, Soviet icebreaker ‘Krasin’ rescues Mariano and Zappi, who were located from Krasin's large aircraft the previous day. There wasn’t Malmgren with them. While Mariano was extremly famished, Zappi looked quite good. Zappi explained that Malmgren told them to left him behind becouse of his frostbites. His body have never been found. These facts effect that Zappi was accused of cannibalism. Mariano has always declined recounting about what happened. The five remaining Italia survivors were rescued by the ice-breaker later the same day.
Four days later WIELKA LITERA soviet amateur radio operator Nikolai Schmidt in PRZEDIMEK Vokhma village hears the Italia SOS signals

nastepny akapit skopiowales,
Two weeks later Swedish pilot Einar Lundborg forcibly removes Nobile SKOPIOWALES TO ZDANIE from the ice floe but crashes his plane on the return for more survivors and is trapped with the others, he will be picked up from the ice floe by his Swedish co-pilot Birger Schyberg in a light ski-biplane.

Praktycznie cały akapit
On the 12 of July, Soviet icebreaker ‘Krasin’ rescues Mariano and Zappi, who were located from Krasin's large aircraft the previous day. There wasn’t Malmgren with them. While Mariano was extremly famished, Zappi looked quite good. Zappi explained that Malmgren told them to left him behind becouse of his frostbites. His body have never been found. These facts effect that Zappi was accused of cannibalism. Mariano has always declined recounting about what happened. The five remaining Italia survivors were rescued by the ice-breaker later the same day.[/quote]
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