Sprawdzenie zdań do CV

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o pomoc w sprawdzeniu podanych niżej zdań. Pochodzą one z CV. Nie są one pisane w bezokoliczniku ponieważ takie mam wytyczne więc nie mam co do tego dowolności. Z góry dziękuję :).

1. Worked as a part of the sales team which provided premium customer service
2. Prepared sales analysis and products calculations
3. Sold of dedicated financial services like insurance or debt financing
4. Offered products especially to small and medium companies (B2B relations)
5. Analyzed financial data and entered it into computerized reporting system
6. Searched data necessary for financial models
7. Prepared customers orders with the highest care of quality standards
8. Cooperated in customer-driven international team
9. Builded from scratch and managed organization of 25 members
10. Organized trainings, nationwide match tours and obtained funds
11. Maintained relationships with city officials, media and rugby activists in Poland
12. Built from scratch and managed organization of 25 members
13. Organized trainings, nationwide match tours and obtained funds
14. Maintained relationships with city officials, media and rugby activists in Poland
15. Advised on the organization and development of the University
16. Participated in the creation of University’s legal rules and regulations
17. PMI’s ”Customer Orientation in direct and In-direct Contact” workshop
18. Presented article about sustainability in finance at international conference

A. I achieved average level of 100% in quality audits (result of the team - 87,5%)
B. I finalized second largest transaction in history of online store (over 100.000 zl)
C. I attained highest monthly conversion of sales in history of online store (10%)
D. I created organization which still exist (9 years) with many national successes
E. I filled the gaps of young people’s free time and showed them passion for sport
F. I created organization which still exist (9 years) with many national successes
G. I filled the gaps of young people’s free time and showed them passion for sport

I am a fresh graduate of two renowned Universities who worked for more than 2 years as sales representative. I have also experience in multi-national team, good working knowledge of Excel and very good command of English. I am interested in leveraging my skills in international company.
1. Worked as 'a' (niepotr) part of the sales team which provided premium customer service
2. ok
3. Sold 'of' (niepotr) dedicated financial services 'like' (co to jest z tym slowem, tutaj trzeba ...such as) insurance or debt financing
4. ok
5. ok
6. ok
7. ok
8. ok
9. 'Builded' (nie, to slowo nie istnieje, jest BUILT) from scratch and managed (brak przedimka) 'organization' (nie, tutaj lepiej 'dedicated team, albo 'team') of 25 members
10. Organized 'trainings' (to slowo nie istnieje, trzeba 'training' nawet jak tego byly miliony), nationwide match tours and obtained funds (od kogo?zrodla?)
11. Maintained 'relationships' (nie, tutaj wyglada ze byles 'intymny z nimi,lepiej 'working relationship) with city officials, media and rugby activists in Poland
12. Built from scratch and managed A 'organization' (daj 'team) of 25 members....ALE to zdanie juz masz wyzej nr 9)
13. Organized'trainings' (popraw), nationwide match tours and obtained funds...powtorka zdania nr 10
14. 'Maintained relationships with city officials, media and rugby activists in Poland' (juz poprawilam wyzej Dlaczego pisales to tak niedokladnie, myslac ze ten kto sprawdza ma duzo czasu zeby to samo powtarzac. Takie cos mnie bardzo wkurza.
15. ok
16. ok
17.' PMI’s' (nie wiem co to jest -trzeba w calosci) ”Customer Orientation in direct and In-direct Contact” workshop
18. Presented article 'about' (za niskie slowo, lepiej 'regarding/relating to); sustainability in finance at (brak przedimka) international conference

A. I achieved AN average level of 100% in quality audits (result of the team - 87,5%)
B. I finalized THE second largest transaction in THE history of THE online store (over 100.000 zl)
C. I attained highest monthly conversion of sales in THE history of THE online store (10%)
D. I created AN 'organization' (badz bardzo pewny ze to masz na mysli, czy to byl 'team'?) which still existS (9 years) with many national successes
E. I 'filled' (poszukaj inne slowo) the gaps of young people’s free time and showed them A passion for sport
F. I created organization which still exist (9 years) with many national successes - po co to drugi raz czytam??????
G. I filled the gaps of young people’s free time and showed them passion for sport....????dlaczego 2 razy???

I am a 'fresh' (a jaki inny moze byc 'stale?) 'graduate of two renowned Universities (prosze wymienic dokladnie) who HAS worked for more than 2 years as A sales representative. I have also experience in multi-national team, good working knowledge of Excel and very good command of English. I am interested in 'leveraging' (co to za slowo? czy ono istnieje?) my skills in AN international company.
edytowany przez terri: 13 gru 2016
2. Ja bym nie dał 'productS'
Cytat: Aaric
2. Ja bym nie dał 'productS'

masz racje, mea culpa....


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie