
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I have thought about your problem and think I can be of help. I know how you feel. I love eat, so I eating a lot of food. I put on weight. I bring to oneself to change a dietary habits.
I stoped drinking a soft drinks and eating a fast-food. I started eating a four times a day. You can to talk your friends into going a gym three times a week. You'd better a throw out any unhealthy food. You should read about a healthy food.
You must have any time to looking for information about a healthy food. This think idn't the best but you to improve your healthy and a physical condition. You be to feel better. You improve to your a hair, a nails. You don't feel a tired.
Don't worry. You'll get over it. If you would, you can write my when you have a badly day.
I love (cos tutaj brak) eat, so 'I eating' (cos brak) a lot of food.
I bring to 'oneself' (nie, tutaj uzyj slowo 'myself' Oneself nie pasuje i sa bardzo specificzne zdania kiedy to slowo sie uzywa) to change 'a' (nie dajemy 'a' przed l. mn-habits, ale potrzeba slowa) dietary habits.
I 'stoped'(blad ortog) drinking 'a' (dlaczego wkladasz to 'a' tak wszedzie)l soft drinks and eating 'a' (niepotr) fast-food. I started eating 'a' (co to jest? dlaczego tak robisz?) four times a day. You can 'to' (niepotr) talk your friends into going (brak slowa) a gym three times a week. You'd better 'a' (niepotr) throw out any unhealthy food. You should read about 'a' (nie rozumiem dlaczego myslisz, ze uzywanie 'a' jest potzebne kiedy piszesz o l. mnogiej?) healthy food.
You must have 'any' (zle slowo) time to 'looking' (zle slowo) for information about 'a' (niepotr) healthy food. This 'think' (myslec?) 'idn't' (popraw) the best but you 'to' (niepotr) (daj tutaj modala) improve your 'healthy' (zla czesc mowy, daj tutaj rzeczownik) and 'a' (niepotr) physical condition. You 'be' (hello? dlaczego czuje ze to jest prosto z translatorka? i to do tego kiepskiego? Nie rob tak, to widac, i czuc - pisz slowimi slowami) to feel better. You improve 'to' (niepotr) your 'a' (nie rozumiem, i to mnie wscieka, ze ktos tak Ci doradza) hair, 'a' (dokoncz slowo) nails. You 'don't' (tutaj daj cos innego, bo to odnosi sie do czasu przyszlego) feel 'a' (znowu?) tired.
If you 'would' (to jest zle slowo), you can write 'my' (my? ale co? napisz 'do mnie') when you have a bad day.

Nie uzywaj translatorow, i oducz sie uzywac tego 'a' - bo nie wiem po co to robisz.


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