your health

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosiłabym o sprawdzenie moich odpowiedzi, szczególnie jeśli chodzi o czasy, bo nie jestem pewna, czy nie musi być użyty jakiś czas zaprzeszły.
tell about a time when you or someone you know:
- needed stitches
When I was a child I and my friend was walking around the playground. Some children were playing football. Suddenly ball hit my friend in head. Her mum took her to the hospital. She needed stitches.
- fainted
I was on the bus, it was two years ago. It was very hot and damp day. On the bus was stuffy. I felt very bad. Suddenly I collapsed. The only think which I remember is that somebody help me go out. I was sitting on the bench. I ate something sweet. After that I felt better.
- food poisoning
I was in the chinese restaurant with my friends three months ago. I ate spicy chicken. At home I felt very bad. I had got a stomachache and a fever. I vomited. I took medicine and fall asleep. On the next day I felt better.
- chocked on something
I was eating diner with my cousin. Piece of bread got stuck in my cousin's throat. He had a cought. He drunk a lot of water. After a few minutes he felt better.
- had an allergic reaction
When I was walking in the park a wasp stung me. I had an allergic reaction. Fortunately I always have a special medicine in my backpack. I took two tablets.
- twisted their ankle
In the winter I was skiing. I was a beginner. Suddenly I fall down. I twisted my ankle. Doctor put bandage on my feet. Rest of my holidays I must stay at the hotel. I was very sad.
When I was a child I and my friend was walking around the playground. Some children were playing football. Suddenly PRZEDIMEK ball hit my friend in PRZEDIMEK head. Her mum took her to the hospital. She needed stitches.
- fainted
I was on the bus, it was two years ago. It was PRZEDIMEK very hot and damp day. On the bus BRAK SLOWA was stuffy. I felt very bad. Suddenly I collapsed. The only THING which I remember is that somebody help < -CZAS PRZESZLY me go out. I was sitting CZEMU TEN CZAS? on the bench. I ate something sweet. After that I felt better.
- food poisoning
I was in the DOBRY PRZEDIMEK? chinese< -DUŻA LITERA restaurant with my friends three months ago. I ate spicy chicken. At home I felt very bad. I had got CZEMU ZAPRZESZŁY? a stomachache and fever. I vomiTTed. I took PRZEDIMEK medicine and fall CZAS PRZESZŁY asleep. On the next day I felt better.
- CHOKED on something
I was eating dinNer with my cousin.PRZEDIMEK Piece of bread got stuck in my cousin's throat. He had a cough. He drunk< -ZŁA FORMA a lot of water. After a few minutes he felt better.
- had an allergic reaction
When I was walking in the park a wasp stung me. I had an allergic reaction. Fortunately I always have a special medicine in my backpack. I took two tablets.
- twisted their ankle
In the winter I was skiing. I was a beginner. Suddenly I fall CZAS PRZESZLY down. I twisted my ankle. PRZEDIMEK Doctor put bandaged on my feet OBIE?. FOR THE rest of my holidays must< -TO SLOWO ODNOSI SIE DO TERAZNIEJSZOSCI stay at the hotel. I was very sad.
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 15 sty 2017


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