Proszę o spr

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
To tak... jest taka czytanka u nas w podręczniku i kończy się w pewnym momencie i moim zadaniem było ją jakoś ciekawie dokończyć (z tym ciekawie to troche u mnie cienko, ale mniejszs o to)
Tu jest czytanka:
I was in paradise. Temperature was hot but not too hot. A light breeze was keeping the temperature just right. I could feel the touch of the sun on my back as I lay on my towel on the sand. I was alone at last to enjoy of the waves and deserted beach. It was completely quiet, apart from the soft sound the breeze. I the brushing noise of the leaves of the palm trees as they moved in another sighed and started to drift off. Suddenly, I opened my eyes. What was that noise? Was I dreaming? Then it came agsin - the sound of a rock hitying wood. The noise came from beyond the palm trees. This was followed by a loud shout. Then two voices started arguing.
Angrily, I picked up my towel, book and suntan lotion. My peaceful moment had been interrupted. It was time to find another quieter spot for sunbathing.As I walked across the sand away from the sound of voices, I heard more shouting behind me. I turned and saw a woman running towards me. Her face was very pale and her long, blond hair was flying out behind her Ree Please she said. Then she fell forward on the sand and I gasped. The back of her dress was dark red with blood.
A tu moje wypociny:
Then I saw IT. A huge, black mass (chodziło mi o masę, jakiegoś potwora nie wiem czym to zastąpić) covered with scales was approching to me. I pushed the panic button. Is that kilked the women in cold blood? I couldn't move as my legs turned to jelly. 'And cut! That's right guys. I think we got it. Let's call it a day!'. Then I realised: they were shooting a film. How could I be so foolish? Ashamed of myself, I started to look for another, quatier spot for sunbathing...


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie