I am a 'student of last year' (tutaj napisz ktory to rok, nie 'last year' tylko 3rd year, 4th year, 5th year) at the faculty of
xyz at the
xyz in Warsaw. I would like to apply for the Erasmus + Programme in Universitat Politècnica de València in the academic year 2016/2017 from 'july' (miesiace piszemy duzymi literami) (nie napisales roku? to jest wazne), 'as a recent graduate' (calkowicie nie rozumiem po co to jest tutaj napisane).
This will also help me develop skills and competences relevant to my field and area of study (ale cfo to jest? musisz napisac wyrazniej). 'Also' (nie zaczynaj zdan z 'also. mozna...At the same time), it will give me an opportunity to 'learn' (nie, to jest za niskie slowo, tutaj potrzeba cos specjalistycznego) better 'the' (niepotr) technical 'english' (tutaj ma byc duza litera) and 'get TO know' (to jest za niski, tutaj ...familiarise myself with) the 'spanish' (duza litera. Dlaczego o tym musze przypominac?) culture. Moreover, 'I will be able to' (nie, lepiej...this will give me an opportunity to) develop and practise my 'spanish' (duza litera) language skills. I can quickly learn all new responsibilities and I am not 'scared' (za dziecinne slowo, tutaj 'afraid') of new 'things' (to znaczy co? tutaj lepiej dac 'experiences'). I CAN confirm that I have never participated in the Erasmus Exchange Study Programme.
I will be very grateful if 'u ' (co do jasnej to ma znaczyc? po jakiemu to jest? to ma byc formalny list, a myslisz ze piszesz do kolezanki z fejsa) WOULD gave me that chance. My experience IS that 'i' (zawsze i to zawsze to slowo piszemy duza litera) have 'achived' (blad ortog) 'on' (zle slowo) studies and 'interships' (blad ortog) over the years (alepiej napisac dokladniej kiedy) has shown that 'im' (popraw to i zapamietaj jak to sie pisze) very creative person with good teamwork skills, which I believe would be OF great help while studying in your university.
'Sincerely' (nie, jak piszemy Dear Sir/Madam to konczymy Yours faithfully)
tyle ode mnie