Gramatyka i trochę słowotwórstwa

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W 'dziurach' max 5 wyrazow
1 The teacher is very patient with her students. SHOWS
The teacher............. with her students -> shows her patience? nie wiem
2No one could answer Tim's question ANYONE
There............ answer Tim's question -> wasn't anytone to
3 It's a shame that Tim cant come to the party COULD
If........... to the party-> could come
4I cant attend the meeting tomorrow PRESENT
I won't be......the meeting tomorrow -> present on
5 Lisa is better at football than Sheila. WELL
Sheila doesn't.......Lisa -> play as well as
6She was about to leave when she remembered to turn off the light POINT
She was... when she remembered to turn off the light -> no nie wiem znam tylko on poin, ale to chyba nie to: on point to leave
7 Tou should brush your teeth so as not to get cavities AVOID
Tou should brush your teeth .... cavities -> to avoid
8 I totally agree with her TOTAL
I... with her->nie mam pojęcia?
9 The teachers talked about the exam DISCUSSION
The teachers... the exam -> had a discussion about
10Only a few people visit the island. NUMBER
There.... of visitors to the island. -> is a small number

They were stunned to see a group of dolphins walk on the water with their tails, an action serving no (appear) purpose. -> apparent

She received no training there, but (doubt) saw others tail-walking. She must have taught her group..
-> doublessly?
He was determined to make Iceland more (economy) self-suffictient -> economically
Hist first official act as a mayor was to introduce Hallo Day, when capital's residents had to greet each other. No doubt it helped to pave the way for the (usual) tough measures to follow ->usually

Police ought to .. the law more strictly. -? enable?
Explore the forest and discover what animals.. there -> occupy?
W 'dziurach' max 5 wyrazow
1 The teacher is very patient with her students. SHOWS
The teacher............. with her students -> shows her patience? nie wiem JAK ODDASZ ZNACZENIE 'VERY' (WTEDY BEZ 'HER')
2No one could answer Tim's question ANYONE
There............ answer Tim's question -> wasn't anytone to ALBO 'WHO COULD'
3 It's a shame that Tim cant come to the party COULD
If........... to the party-> BRAKUJE DWOCH SLOW could come
4I cant attend the meeting tomorrow PRESENT
I won't be......the meeting tomorrow -> present on NA PEWNO NIE 'ON', ALE W OGOLE CHODZI O POWIEDZENIE 'CAN'T' W CZASIE PRZYSZLYM
5 Lisa is better at football than Sheila. WELL
Sheila doesn't.......Lisa -> play JAKI SPORT as well as
6She was about to leave when she remembered to turn off the light POINT
She was... when she remembered to turn off the light -> no nie wiem znam tylko on poin, ale to chyba nie to: on point to leave - SPRAWDZ DOKLADNIE, JAK BRZMI TEN ZWROT
7 Tou should brush your teeth so as not to get cavities AVOID
Tou should brush your teeth .... cavities -> to avoid PO AVOID ODPOWIEDNIA FORMA CZASOWNIKA. I NA PEWNO NIE MA TAM 'YOUR'
8 I totally agree with her TOTAL
9 The teachers talked about the exam DISCUSSION
The teachers... the exam -> had a discussion about OK
10Only a few people visit the island. NUMBER
There.... of visitors to the island. -> is a small number LEPIEJ Z ZAPRZECZENIEM 'AREN'T'

They were stunned to see a group of dolphins walk on the water with their tails, an action serving no (appear) purpose. -> apparent OK

She received no training there, but (doubt) saw others tail-walking. She must have taught her group..
-> doublessly? ZACZYNA SIE NA 'UN'
He was determined to make Iceland more (economy) self-suffictient -> economically OK
Hist first official act as a mayor was to introduce Hallo Day, when capital's residents had to greet each other. No doubt it helped to pave the way for the (usual) tough measures to follow ->usually TAK NIE MA SENSU

Police ought to .. the law more strictly. -? enable? NIE, ALE NA 'EN'
Explore the forest and discover what animals.. there -> occupy? NIE, BARDZO PROSTE
Shows much patience
Tim could have come
Wont be able to come to the meeting
Animals ->locate
She was on point of leaving
Z total nie znalazlam nic
Usually no bo nie rozumiem zdania -> unusual
myslalem o great
nie have, brakuje slowa po if
nie locate
sprawdz dokladnie
nie szukaj z total, znajdz rzeczownik, a potem dobierz do tego przyimek
tam ma byc przyslowek
ok, undoubtedly
No to trudno, ja nie wiem
In total agreement, tyle na wiecej nie mam czasu jutro spr z fizy
Dzięki i pa :*
in total agreement - ok
1. Ja bym dał 'a lot of'.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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