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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a Polish student who studies Civil Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology. Currently, I am writing a diploma thesis on ultra hight compressive concrete , where one of the components will be steel microfibers. Unfortunately in Poland I did not find the fibers that meet my requirements. Therefore, I ask whether there is a possibility to share two types of fibers:

1. 25 kg of fibers 12.7 mm in length and 0.175 mm in diameter
2. 25 kg of fibers 6 mm in length and 0.175 mm in diameter

If not, I would ask for a valuation of such quantity, with any possible ways of delivery and costs.

Best regards,
i could not find fibers...
share - tzn. podzielic sie? Chciales napisac cos w rodzaju 'przekazac nieodplatnie'?
Accordingly, I would be willing to know if you could share with me the following types of fibers:

If sharing is not possible, I would appreciate a quotation for these types and quantitites, including delivery costs (for different delivery options)
Bardzo jestem wdzięczny =) a co dooo share to tak, ponieważ czasami firmy daja studentom rzeczy do prac dyplomowych nieodplatnie, wiec i tutaj mysle, ze warto o to spytac.
I am a Civil Engineering student at...