Summary - sprawdzenie Einstein's brain

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In the article ‘Einstein’s unusual brain’ the author Mo Costandi describes the most interesting facts about Einstein’s brain.
First of all many people want to study Einstains brain, beacuse he was one of the most intelligent man on this planet. One of them – pathologist Thomas Harvey removed Einstain’s brain and put into formalin. Later he cut brain into parts and made microscope photographs. At the end he sent this photo to other neuropathologists. Autopsy Einstein’s brain performed by Harvey show nothing interested. However, decades later in 1985 researchers notice higher than average glia for every neuron and parietal lobe lacks: a furrow, which lead to enhance the connection and improve mathematical skills and an operculum. Another scientists Dean Falk and her colleagues also analyse 12 of Harvey’s photographs and they discover that cerebral cortex is very complex and convolutions have a specific pattern for example in prefrontal cortex which have influence on abstract thinking. In addition, they found that right somatosensory cortex is bigger, maybe because Einstain often play a violin.
To sum up we know much more about Einstein’s brain, but still many facts of it might be discover in the future.
'First of all' (nie rozumiem po co to jestnapisane) Many people want to study 'Einstains' (blad ortog i musi byc apostrophe) brain, 'beacuse' (co to za slowo?) he was one of the most intelligent 'man' (dlaczego 'man' jak piszesz jeden z...) on this planet. One of them (tutaj nie jest wiadomo do kogo to 'them' sie odnosi?)– pathologist Thomas Harvey removed 'Einstain’s' (popraw) brain and put (tu cos brakuje) into formalin. Later he cut (przedimek) brain into parts and made 'microscope' (cos mi to slowo sie nie podoba, sprawdz) photographs. 'At the end' (dlaczego uzywasz 3 slowa, jak jedno'Finally' wystarczy?) he sent 'this photo' (ale wczesniej byla mowa o 'photographs') to other neuropathologists. (brak przedimka) autopsy (brak slowa) Einstein’s brain performed by Harvey 'show' (dla mnie tutaj czas przeszly) nothing 'interested' (zlaczesc mowy). However, decades later in 1985 researchers 'notice' (czas przeszly) higher than average glia for every neuron and (tu brakuje 2 slowa) parietal lobe 'lacks: a furrow' (tego nie moge rozszyfrowac, cos tu nie tak) , which lead to 'enhance the' (dlaczego nie 'enhanced?) connection and improve mathematical skills and an operculum (ale co dalej?). Another scientists Dean Falk and her colleagues also 'analyse' (czas przeszly) 12 of Harvey’s photographs and 'they' (niepotrzebne slowo) 'discover'(czas przszly) that (przedimek) cerebral cortex is very complex and convolutions have a specific pattern for example in prefrontal cortex which have (przedimek) influence on abstract thinking. In addition, they found that (przedimek) right somatosensory cortex is 'bigger'(poszukaj inne slowo), maybe because 'Einstain' (popraw)r often 'play' (czas przeszly) a violin.
'To sum up' (mozna to inaczej. np. Concluding,Summarising...) we know much more about Einstein’s brain, but still many facts of it might be 'discover' (z reszta slowa?) in the future.


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