bardzo proszę o pomoc

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Yesterday I saw on the the notice board an interesting ad. I was looking a small flat with low fee and I made up my mind to break off that piece of paper. My present place of residence was in an old tenement. I needed a new place. It should be redecorated and furnished.
made up one's mind używa się do czegoś bardziej istotnego niż urwania kawałka papieru ;)))
My present place of residence was in an old tenement.
I was looking (tutaj brakuje slowa ) a small flat with (brakprzedimka) low 'fee' (to jest zle slowo) and I 'made up my mind' (jak pisze Aaric, tutaj to trzeba zmienic) to 'break' (you do not break off paper -you 'tear' off paper) off that piece of paper. My present place of residence 'was' (zly czas) in an old tenement.
Cytat: terri
I was looking (tutaj brakuje slowa ) a small flat with (brakprzedimka) low 'fee' (to jest zle slowo) and I 'made up my mind' (jak pisze Aaric, tutaj to trzeba zmienic) to 'break' (you do not break off paper -you 'tear' off paper) off that piece of paper. My present place of residence 'was' (zly czas) in an old tenement.

fee - czy lepiej brzmi "low charge"?

My present place of residence has been in an old tenement.
Eh tam 'low charge'.
Napisz np 'małe, tanie mieszkanie'
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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