The world is 'going on' (cos to bardzo kolokw. dla mnie) and technology is becoming more and more accessible. It is (tutaj mozesz dodac slowo 'just') a matter of time before wi-fi (ale tutaj trzeba wytlumaczyc co to jest 'dodac 'connection') becomes something natural and 'common' (moze 'usual') at schools. I think (tutaj dodac slowo 'however,') THAT there might be a few more disadvantages of wi-fi with open access than 'pluses' (nie, daj slowo 'advantages').
(brakuje p[rzzedimka THE) benefits are that students will get quick access to the internet and information with no charge. (tutaj cos brakuje, np. They will also) get quick access to encyclopedias, e-books and (brakuje przedimka) required reading. But on the other hand if students use the internet during classes and 'won’t' (zle slowo, tutaj 'do not') focus on the lecture it will raise a problem.
It would be a good idea to have access to the internet only when a teacher allows it, and deny it when teachers do 'they' (chyba literowka, ale zle slowo) work. The internet might also be used dishonestly in exams as 'cribs.' (cos tu nie tak)
I can see more drawbacks 'then' (zle slowo) benefits of open access to the internet. Students can misuse it and watch content unsuitable for their age, play games or abandon social interpersonal relations in favour of social media services. The internet might play 'the' (zly przedimek, tutaj 'a') significant role in 'rising' (to jest ciekawe slowo, wg mnie 'raising' - podnosic) violence at school by watching 'inapropriate' (ortog) clips and videos full of vulgar language (i nie tylko, tam jest tez 'violence'). So 'it' (do czego to 'it' sie odnosi? musisz napisac wyrazniej) might also decrease the standards of social norms.
By constant 'using' (tutaj jest zle, powinno byc 'usage of') tablets (i nie tylko, bo sa jeszcze 'mobiles') students might develop spine defects that will have a negative effect on their future life and career.
Ok, tylko za bardzo myslisz po polsku.