In the summer of 1914 a 'horrible' (poszukaj inne slowo, wiecej 'horrific') war was started between the main powers (tutaj napisalabym kto) in Europe. The 'first world war' (duze litery, ale to piszemy WWI) (28 July 1914- 18 November 1918) has many causes and even for historians it is hard to ascertain which one is the most important. 'But' (niepotrzebne slowo) In this essay I 'will try' (niepotr) 'to' (niepotr) present three causes which 'have' (zly czas, tutaj mowisz o przeszlosci, to musi byyc 'had') a huge impact on the outbreak of the war- the 'Maroccan' (ortog) Crisis, the variety of political 'system' (tutaj l. mnoga) in Europe and the dominance of Europe in the rest of the world.
Firstly, 'we all' (nie pisz tak, bo sa ludzie ktorzy tego nie wiedza) (daj tutaj cos innego, np. it is important to recognize) 'know' (niepotr) that colonialism has its origins 'since the discovery of America' (to nie jest prawda. Colonialism istnial wczesniej, nie pisz rzeczy bez podstaw). But 'on' (zle slowo, tutaj AT) the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries it started to take on 'the' (niepotr) 'radiculus' (nie rozumiem tego slowa) 'charater' (ortog). What is 'the' (niepotr) most 'imprtant' (ortog) IS THAT after 'the' (niepotr) Germany had united, they became a 'dengerous' (ortog - dlaczego robisz takie bledy?) new player who also 'want' (czas przeszly, tutaj 'wanted') to have an overseas territory. Such 'desiers' (ortog) lead to the Moroccan Crisis. 'Moroocco' (ortog) was one of the few areas of Africa not controlled by a European 'countries' (tutaj l. poj, dlatego ze dalas przedimek 'a', bez przedimka moze byc l. mnoga), so the Germans saw the chance to expand their empire. However (przzecinek po 'however') the problem was that 'the' (niepotr) France had permission by (uzyj cos tutaj np. 'the agreed') ''Entente Cordiale' (1904) for peaceful actions in Morocco and they would never allow 'on' (niepotr) 'Germans' (tu panstwo l. poj) 'infulence' (ortog). But a 'colonisations' (zle slowo, tutaj 'colonising') country did not have a good reputations in Africa and (brak przedimka) Germans knew it. So they tried to gain the favor of (przedimek) Moroccan citizens. The Germans claimed that they would assist the Sultan of Morocco to gain his country's independence and demanded an international 'conferentce' (ortog) to discuss its future. 'A' (nie, tutaj wiesz dokladnie o co chodzi to wtedy 'THE') conference took place in southern Spain (in 1906) and it 'ended up' (troc he za niskie okreslenie, daj cos wiecej formalnego) as (przedimek) defeat of Germany, because 'the' (niepotr) Britain 'knew' (daj inne wiecej formalne slowo, no realized, accepted) that if Germans 'will' (nie, tutaj 'would') take over 'the' (niepotr) Morocco it would be an important step for their 'Weltpolitik' (sprawdz ortog) and 'can' (tutaj 'could') threaten them. The final decision of the conference was that 'the' (niepotr) France 'will' (zle slowo, tutaj 'would') still control Morocco.
(daj tutaj THE) next crisis 'in this country' (nie wiadomo o ktore country chodzi tutaj, pisz wyrazniej) was caused by the first 'Maroccan' (ortog) Crisis and its further developments. When (przedimek) French troops tried to 'fought' (zle slowo, tutaj 'fight') 'against' (niepotr) a rebellion against the Sultan, the Germans claimed that it looked as IF the French wanted to take over Morocco. So, they 'send' (zly czas, tutaj 'sent') a gunboat hoping that this move 'can' (zly czas, tutaj 'could') insist on France 'to give' (zle slowo, tutaj 'giving') them some 'terriory' (ortog) 'like' (calkowicie niepotrzebne slowo, co ono dodaje?), e.g. the French Congo. Such actions had alarmed 'the' (niepotr) Britain which was worried about its trade routes. 'The' (niepotr) Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer, 'Llyoyd' (nie, 'Lloyd') George 'made' (nie, mowimy 'gave') a speech which was meant to warn the Germans off. He said that 'the' (niepotr) Britain 'will' (would) not stand without any actions when her interests are in danger. The French did not give up and after all the German gunboat was removed. What IS more they had to accept the French protectorate over Morocco, but in return 'the' (niepotr) France had to give to Germans 'a' (nie dajemy przedimka przed l. mnoga) two strips of the French Congo. This conflict triggerED (dodaj tutaj cos, np. the feeling) that 'the' (niepotr) Germany became more anti-British and they started to 'bulid' (ortog) a new, powerful 'battelships' (ortog) called 'Dreadnought'.
Secondly, 'there' (niepotr) IT is widely 'known' (nie uzywaj tego slowa, lepiej moze 'accepted') that the variety of the political' sytstem' (ortog ale i tak tutaj l. mnoga) in the main 'european' (ortog i daj duza litera) powers was huge. It could not end without misunderstanding. At the beginning of 20th century, in fact, each country had its own political system which only shared 'similarites' (ortog) with others. More importantly, the countries which made themselves 'democratics' (nie, tutaj 'a democracy') were not as democratic as 'we' (?) they seemed. Just like Italy, it was a monarchy with an elected parliament, but the right to vote was limited 'for' (zle slowo, tutaj TO) selected citizens. Also Germany had the Reichstag (an elected lower house of parliament), but it was delusional democracy because the real power had the Chancellor (a kind of prime minister) and the Kaiser. Japan also had an 'elechted' (ortog) lower house, but 'and so' (niepotr) the real power (dodaj tutaj cos, np slowa 'lay in the hands of') 'was' (niepotr) the 'ritchest' (ortog) and they decided about the country. On the other hand, in Russia 'nad' (ortog) Austria-Hungary there was not democracy at all. The Tsar in 'Russsia' (ortog) 'nad' (ortog) the Emperor in Austria (King in the Hungary part of country) were absolute 'rules' (nie, tutaj 'rulers') and they did whatever they wanted even though they had a kind of 'parliamen' (ortog), but it just existed and did not have any power to change 'something' (daj slowo 'anything'). Such differences in the political systems 'cannot' (nie, tutaj 'could not') cooperate and it was one of the main reasons why Europe had 'a' (niepotr) tense relations.
Thirdly, at the beginning of the 20th century the most important and influential decisions were made in the capitals of Europe, 'What' (to samo zdanie, ale tutaj daj 'which') caused dissatisfaction in the other countries of the world. Of course , 'the' (niepotr) Europe did not only have dominance in the political decisions but also (przedimek) 'european' (duza litera) countries decided about economy, industry as well as (przedimek) military. 'Such a huge advantage of development' (cos tu nie tak, cos zmien) in industry 'lead' (daj inne skowo 'meant') that 'this' (l. mnoga 'these') countries started to fight against each other to become the best of all. The first example is 'the' (niepotr) Germany, after the Franco-Prussian war they became a leader of military 'on' (IN) the whole world. This development of new weapons 'with' (niepotr) using new technologies triggered a very dangerous race to make the higheST number of weapons and the most powerful oneS. 'The' (niepotr) Industrialization opened a new era in the military world and changed everything. Germany did not only 'became' (czas przeszly 'become') a military power, but also (tutaj cos brak, np. 'an') 'economically' (zla czzesc mowy, tutaj 'economic one'). They had overtaken even Britain in productions of steel and ping-iron. However (przecinek) the influence of British production was still really high. The other main 'european' (duza litera) countries, such 'like' (co to slowo tutaj robi? to jest kolokw najgorszego sortu, daj 'such as') France, Austria-Hungary and Italy had not 'cought' (zle slowo, tutaj 'caught') up with (przedimek) development in Germany and Britain and were well behind them. Also 'a' (nie, tutaj THE) great empire of Russia had not 'enough' (uzyj wyzsze slowo, np 'sufficient') development to be a 'competition' (zle slowo, tutaj 'competitor') for them. On the other 'continests' (ortog) 'like' (nie uzywaj tego slow, to bardzo razi, i tutaj calkcowicie nie pasuje, daj 'such as') Asia and America the industrialization also was 'spectaculary' (ortog) fast. In Japan it was so good that they managed to defeat Russia during the Russo-'Japanease' (ortog) War (19[tel]). 'Undoubtely' (ortog), 'even that' (niepotr) not only 'Eropean' (ortog) countries industralized 'themseleves' (nie, slowo jest 'themselves'), it was they who dominated and set the path of the world.
To conclude, it is difficult to pick up one 'causes' (l. pojed) of 'the First World War' (uzywamy WWI) because there are many of them, even when not are perceptible. But in my 'essays' (l. poj) I 'tried to' (niepotr) presentED not all causes of the outbreak of the war, but 'I' (nie uzywaj sloa 'I' w essays - zapytaj sie twojego Prof) tried to show that 'different' (nie, daj tutaj 'a number of') small conflicts and misunderstanding had been accumulating over the years and at the end caused one of the biggest global conflict in history.
Masz problemy kiedy i jak uzywac przedimkow (a, an, the). Musisz nad tym popracowac. W essays staraj sie uzywac wiecej formalnych slow.