List formalny. Prozba o zmiane stanowiska i mozliwosc dalszego rozwoju w firmie.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, Napisalem sam na tyle ile starczylo mi jezyka i internetów.
Prosze teraz kogos kompetentnego o poprawki i pomoc, azeby wygladalo to profesjonalnie i powaznie, (ale nie roszczeniowo). Jestem w stanie zaplacic jesli jestes w stanie to zrobic dobrze.
Oto tekst:

Ask for posibilities to futher development.

Three years have passed since I work for our company.
During this time I had gain expirience in different kind of jobs. From 319 cell when I have started with wrapping and trim, spraying skins,
serious quality verification. 405 Cell - similar jobs. Both Lectra, 538 cell - laminator, 550 when I work till now on foaming, but before I had also did
a skin preparations, and bladder, assebly job.
On my position I very offen do a job wich is not in my duties. I would do even more but very offen I am confined by the acces to appropriate tools,
and my competences are highly reduced. As the one person from all shifts I can operate, prepare, do a toolchange and repair all three press.
With referencesto my education (technical school of motor vehicle engineering) and hobby in this letter I would like to ask for futher training to became, maintenance, tool changer/setter, and for extend my cometence in an appropriate way.
I ask also for letting me know which you would interested in, or organize adequately courses. Eight maonths ago I done Fork lifts courses for
Counterbalance, Rich truck and PPT as I have informed and I have applied also for possible vacant. Unfortunatelly without any answer.
I am a reliable and competent worker, always happy to help. I believe my futher development will be beneficial to both sides.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.


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