'Intorduction' (slowo jest 'Introduction'):
At the beginning, I would like to explain how 'was'(niepotr tutaj jest w zlym miejscu, za bardzo po polsku) 'the' (niepotr) Middle Lithuania (tutaj nalezy dac 'slowo 'byla') created. 'So' (po co to? calkowicie nie rozumiem dlaczego zdanie zaczyna sie z 'so'), In 1920, (przedimek) Polish Army (duze litery - to jest nazwa wlasna)was approaching 'to' (niepotr) the capital of Lithuania- Vilnius. But Poland couldn't 'takeover' (to sa 2 slowa) the city, because 'it' (nie, tutaj to mnie gubi, daj sloewo 'this') was 'forbbiden' (ortog) by the Spa Conference in July of 1920. That was reason why Józef Piłsudski decided to 'commissioned' (nie, 'commission') a special task to 'the' (wg mnie tutaj mozna uzyc 'his') trusted general Lucjan Żeligowski. The general had to 'organised' (nie, gubisz sie, organise) a dummy mutiny and with help of his 'branches' (nie za bardzo rozumiem to slowo) take over the capital. Vilnuis and the surrounding area became a part of the small country called the Republic of Central Lithuania.
'And' (niepotr) Here we have a map which presents 'the' (niepotr) Middle Lithuania. As we can see the area 'was' (niepotr) included just the nearest lands of Vilnius.
After the capture of Vilnius, general Żeligowski formed a Temporary Government. 'And' (niepotr) Lithuania began to conduct 'the' (niepotr) diplomatic talks . Lithuania proposed creating a Confederation of Baltic Western Lithuania (with Lithuanian as an official language) and Central Lithuania (with Polish as an official language). Poland demanded that the new state must be also associated with Poland. The Lithuanians 'rjected' (ortog) this proposal.
In 1921, 'there was started' (w zlym miejscu i bardzo, a bardzo po polsku) 'the' (niepotr) peace talks WERE conducted/started/began by the League of Nations. The League considered the Polish proposal of a 'plebistite' (nie jestem pewna co do ortog tego slowa) on the future of Central Lithuania. There was also proposed a compromise called THE 'Hymans' Plan'. The plan 'was' (niepotr) 'consitisted' (ortog) of 15 points, among others
-guarantee of each country's independence
-Poland and Lithuania will sign a defensive alliance treaty
-Poland will gain usage of (daj przedimek) ports in Lithuania
-Lithuanian and Polish governments will create interstate commissions on both foreign affairs, trade and industry measures and local policies
Unfortunately, 'Lithunaia' (ortog) had rejected this plan of peace, because 'Vilnuis' (ortog) still remained in Polish hands. A new plan was proposed in 'Spectember' (ortog) of 1921 and there was modification of THE 'Hymans's Plan' (with (daj przedimek) difference that the area in East Prussia called Klaipeda Region was to be incorporated into Lithuania in exchange of autonomy of Middle Lithuania. Both rejected this offer. After the League of Nation failure the general Żeligowski confirmed the date of elections and in 'Feburary' (ortog) 20 (to wyglada zle, napisz ...and ON 20th February), 1922 the Polish Parliament (duza litrera to jest nazwa wlasna) had recognized the inclusion of the Central Lithuania as a new polish 'voivodeship' (sprawdz ortog) with THE capital 'in' (nieppotr, daj 'being') Vilnuis. These elections were never recognized by Lithuania and caused unfriendly relations between Poland and Lithuania in the interwar period.