sprawdzenie streszczenia pracy inżynierskiej

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witam, proszę o sprawdzenie i ewentualne poprawki, dziękuję
"Friction in physics is the force that counteracts movement - a braking force. When we want the movement of a body to take place, then friction is an unfavorable factor, for example when driving a car, tram or bicycle. Very harmful friction occurs during the flight of the rocket in the atmosphere. The contact of the air with the rocket causes its movement to be slowed down, its outer surface to be worn out. It also leads the temperature to rise dramatically. Friction is also harmful during the movement between the rubbing surfaces of a machine. In this way, the axes and bearings made of expensive materials are worn, the tools and blades become blunt, and the replacement of tires and brake pads in a car becomes necessary. However, people have learned to deal with the negative effects of friction. Lubricants have been invented, which significantly reduce the braking force. In the construction of machines friction has found a positive application in many cases. One of them is the inseparable method of mechanical connections - friction welding. It is a process in which the braking force plays a key role in obtaining a durable combination of construction materials. Friction welding has many advantages over other methods of welding. This interesting aspect led me to decide to write an engineering thesis on a test bench for examination of the friction welding of metal alloys. The thesis includes the division of mechanical connection methods used in the construction of machines, a thorough literature review of the method of friction welding and devices using this method. In the practical part of the thesis, the design of the friction test bench is developed, consisting of a column drilling machine and an MC6 measuring platform for measuring the welding forces and spindle rotations. The summary of the thesis includes experimental research aimed at attempting to weld metal alloys. The subject of the experiment were samples made of steel rod S235 and aluminum PA6. The analysis of welded connection sites was made on a confocal and electron microscope. The test also includes a strength test of connections on a tensile machine in order to determine the quality of welds obtained."

czy stanowisko do badań dobrze przetłumaczyłem jako "test bench"?
"Friction in physics is the force that counteracts movement - a braking force. When we want the movement of a body to take place, then friction is an unfavorable factor, for example when driving a car, tram or bicycle. Very harmful friction occurs during the flight of A rocket in the atmosphere. The contact of the air with the rocket causes its movement to be slowed down, its outer surface to be worn out. It also CAUSES the temperature to rise dramatically. Friction is also harmful during the movement between the rubbing surfaces of a machine. In this way, the axes and bearings made of expensive materials are worn, the tools and blades become blunt, and the replacement of tires and brake pads in a car becomes necessary. However, people have learned to deal with the negative effects of friction. Lubricants have been invented, which significantly reduce the braking force. In the construction of machines friction has BEEN PUT TO BENEFICIAL USE in many cases. One of them is the inseparable CHYBA W ZLYM MIEJSCU INSEPARABLE method of mechanical connections - friction welding. It is a process in which the braking force plays a key role in obtaining a durable combination of construction materials. Friction welding has many advantages over other methods of welding. This interesting aspect led me to decide to write MY B.Sc. thesis on DESIGNING a test bench for THE examination of friction welding IN metal alloys. The thesis includes the CLASSIFICATION of mechanical connection methods used in the construction of machines, a thorough literature review of the method of friction welding and devices using this method. In the practical part of the thesis, the design of the friction test bench is PRESENTED, consisting of a column drilling machine and an MC6 measuring platform for measuring the welding forces and spindle rotations. The summary STRESZCZENIE, NAPRAWDE? of the thesis includes experimental research aimed at attempting to weld metal alloys. The experiment USED samples made of steel rod S235 and aluminum PA6. The analysis of welded connection sites was made WITH a confocal and electron microscope. The test also includes a strength test of connections on a tensile machine in order to determine the quality of welds obtained.

czy stanowisko do badań dobrze przetłumaczyłem jako "test bench"?

dziękuję za pomoc.
te podsumowanie/steszczenie pracy może źle przetłumaczyłem: "Podsumowaniem pracy były badania doświadczalne, mające na celu próbę zgrzania stopów metali." może dam: " conclusion of the thesis includes..."
czy zamiast work bench może byc też" laboratory station" bo to chodzi o warunki laboratoryjne?
nie wiem, jak badania moga byc podsumowaniem pracy. Podsumowaniem sa wnioski z badan.
The theoretical considerations underlay an experiment...

niech bedzie station
jeszcze raz dziękuję za pomoc, pozdrawiam
żeby każdy inżynier in spe potrafił tak pisac po angielsku!
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