Rozprawka o umieszczaniu rodziców w domach opieki

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
„Nowadays we can hear about placed old peolpe in retirement home. This is happening especially in developed countries. There are people who agree with this statement, but there are also those who disagree. In my opinion it is good solution for children.

First of all, a lot of people are busy and they are not able to take care of their old parents. They work, have their own family and duties. People have to work and usually ill parent needs constant attention. There is no chance that one person can go to work and the other one can stay at home. In this situation the only alternative is to put the parent in a retirement home.

Another major reason is that sometimes children do not have good conditions to take care of an old person. Maybe they do not have big house and instead just a small flat without separate room for parent. It is hard to live under one roof with old and sometimes ill parent and also with your own children. That is the reason people decide to put their parent in a rest-home.

The last argument for my statement is that retirement home have better conditions to offer than children. For example twenty four hours care, warm room, tasty food. And the costs of that are the same as at home for the care of children.

But there are people who oppose that behaviour. They have one but really important argument against my position - remorse. Parents have looked after their children for years. They raised, nursed, showed what is good and what is bad. And now they may be sorry that they have been treated like this. It is hard decision which can lead to remorse.

Taking everything into account, I think the same as at the beginning. The nursing house is good solution for both sides. I would not feel sorry for my children if they would place me in retirement home. I would not regret them, but final decision depends on everyone who faces this challenge.”

Czekam na wasze podpowiedzi, wskazówki co jest nie tak! ;)
Pozdrawiam! ;>
bardzo przyzwoita praca
niewiele bledow, w 1szym zdaniu 'placed' jest zle, troche tez jest brakujacych przedimkow
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 05 lut 2018
placed old people - jest niegramatyczne, np. zmien szyk

your own children - nauczycielki?
home have - zastanow sie

dla obu stron = for both parties = naucz sie nowego wyrazenia

regret them - żałować ich, tzn. dzieci?
Cytat: zielonosiwy
bardzo przyzwoita praca
niewiele bledow, w 1szym zdaniu 'placed' jest zle, troche tez jest brakujacych przedimkow

Dziękuję! ;) Oj przedimki to moja zmora, zawsze mi ich brakuje. :/
Cytat: mg
placed old people - jest niegramatyczne, np. zmien szyk

your own children - nauczycielki?
home have - zastanow sie

dla obu stron = for both parties = naucz sie nowego wyrazenia

regret them - żałować ich, tzn. dzieci?

Dziękuję za poprawki i nowy zwrot do zapamiętania! ;)
wyrażenie, nie zwrot
zwrot zawiera czasownik
Nie uzylabym "old" parents tylko "elderly"
zamiast remorse powiedzialabym "they believe it is unethical"
placed old peolpe

placing elderly people (hear about WHAT?) i moze homes a nie home
Nowadays we can hear about 'placed old peolpe ' (to jest zle) in (tutaj brakuje przedimka, albo jak masz na mysli l. mnoga to trzeba zmienic slowo 'home') retirement home.
There are people who agree with this 'statement' (to jest zle slowo, bo tu nie masz na mysli, ze ktos 'zgzdza sie z tym zdaniem' tylko z czynami - a to jest inna bajka), but there are also those who disagree. In my opinion it is (brak przxedimka) good solution for (brak przedimka) children.

First of all, a lot of 'people' (tutaj nie jest wyraznie napisane ktorzy 'people' czy masz na mysli dzieci, starsze uczace sie w szkolach, czy dzieci tych rodzicow - trzeba wyrazniej) are busy and they are not able to take care of their old parents. They work, have their own 'family' (wg mnie tutsaj 'families') and duties. People have to work and usually (brak przedimka) ill parent needs constant attention. There is no chance that one person can go to work and the other 'one' (niepotr) can stay at home. In this situation the only alternative is to put the parent in a retirement home.

Another major reason is that sometimes children do not have good 'conditions' (to jest zle slowo, tutaj masz na mysli miejsca, facilities - cos takiego) to take care of an old person. Maybe they do not have (brak przedimka) big house and instead just a small flat without (przedimek) separate room for (przedimek) parent. It is hard to live under one roof with (przedimek) old and sometimes ill parent and also with your own children. That is the reason (tu brakuje slowa - 'that') people decide to put their parent in a 'rest-home' (tylko ze retirement home to nie jest to samo co a rest-home.)

The last argument for my 'statement' (to slowo tutaj nie pasuje, moze 'my own point of view') is that (brak przedimka) retirement home 'have' (ale przeciez 'home' to jest l. pojedyncza, a wtedy uzywamy 3os.l.poj) better conditions to offer than (tutaj brakuje cos, moze warunki ktore istnieja w domu) children. For example twenty four 'hours' (wg mnie 'hour') care, warm room(,) (zamiast przeciunka daj slowo 'and') tasty food. 'And' (nie zaczynaj zdan z 'and' to nie jest funkcja tego slowa w zdaniu) the costs of that are the same as at home 'for the care of children' (tutaj jest arse over tit - nie, tu trzeba..ktore dzieci musialyby zaplacic).

But there are people who oppose that 'behaviour' (wg mnie nie jest jasno o jaki 'behaviour' tutaj chodzi). They have one(daj tutaj przecinek) but (przzedimek) really important argument against my position - remorse.
They raised, nursed, showed (komu? czemu? trzeba napisac) what is good and what is bad. 'And' (niepotr) now 'they' (nie, tutaj nie jest jasno do kogo to sie odnosi), may be 'sorry' (to jest zle slowo) that they have been treated like this. It is (przedimek) hard decision which can lead to remorse.

Taking everything into account, I think 'the same as at the beginning' (to jest po nijakiemu, lepiej...I continue to stand by my view) . The 'nursing house' (ale to nie jest to samo co a retirement home, w nursing house osoby sa bardzo chore, w retirement home, moga byc zdrowe tylko nikt ich nie chce bo sa stare) is (przedimek) good solution for both sides. I would not feel 'sorry' (to jest zle slowo) for my children if they would place me in (przedimek) retirement home. I would not 'regret them' (to jest za bardzo po polsku i nawet tego nie rozumiem), but (przedimek) final decision depends on everyone who faces this challenge.

Pozdrawiam! ;>[/quote]
Przepraszam, że dopiero teraz odpisuję, ale chcę Ci bardzo podziękować za skrupulatne sprawdzenie mojej pracy! :)
moze zamiast nursing house to nursing home?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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