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Temat: Computer games – time to learn or time to waste?


For starters, computer games are source of fun, teenagers used to choose things funny instead of boring books or school homeworks, but is that true? On the one hand games can teach us many things and in the other hand we can end with time wasted. There are some pros and cons of playing the games.

Firstly, computer games can improve language skills. It’s because you have possibility to communicate with people from other country. Therefore if you already learning this language you can use it with native people. It’s because games are fun, so in this way you can develop the time, spending it in fun way.

However, games have also cons. As many psychologist point out, number people addicted by games still growing. It’s biggest problem, which cause people refuse from social living. Spend much time playing lead to ruin one’s eyes. It’s unhealthly course, that we should avoid.

To sum up, games can become useful tool, but either we should avoid playing too much, for the sake our health. If games become useful or not, it depends from people whose use it.

Spodziewam się dużej ilości błędów, prosiłbym o ewentualne naprowadzenie mnie, jeśli źle rozumiem idee tego typu wypracowań. Z góry dziękuję.
For 'starters' (dla mnie to jest kolokw - for a start), computer games are (brak przedimka) source of fun, teenagers (tu brakuje czasownika) used to 'choose' (a gdzie reszta slowa?) things funny instead of boring books or school 'homeworks' (nie, ten wyraz piszemy 'homework' nawet jak mamy homework z 10ciu przedmiotow), but is 'that' (nie jest jasne, do czego to 'that' sie odnosi) true? On the one hand games can teach us many things and 'in' ON the other hand we can end (tutaj brakuje slowa 'up') with time (dodaj tutaj 'being') wasted. There are some pros and cons of playing 'the' (ale tutaj mowisz generalnie, niepotr) games.

It’s because you have (przedimek) possibility to communicate with people from other 'country' (tutaj potrzebna jest l. mnoga). Therefore if you (tu brakuje czasownika) already learning 'this' (nie, daj po prostu 'a') language you can use it with (brak prxzzedimka) 'native people' (mozna 'natives'). It’s because games are fun, so in this way you can develop 'the time' (nie za bardzo rozumiem, ale chyba nie to miales na mysli, myslales o 'pozytecznym'), spending it in (przedimek) fun way.

However, games 'have also' (daj..also have) 'cons' (nie, napisz slowo 'disadvantages, bo 'con' to dla mnie jest 'sciema, trick'). As many 'psychologist' (ale jak dales 'many, to tutaj daj l. mnoga) point out, (przedimek) number people addicted 'by' (to) games (brak czasownika) still growing. It’s (przedimek) biggest problem, which 'cause' (ale tutaj problem to jest 3 o.l. poj to trzeba dostosowac czasownik do tego) people (brak TO) 'refuse' (nie, to jest zle slowo, daj 'wycofac sie') from social living. 'Spend' (tutaj pomysl ze to jest contin...spending') (brak slowa - za wiele) much time playing (brak modala) lead to ruinING OF one’s eyes. It’s 'unhealthly' blad ortog) 'course' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj), that we should avoid.

To sum up, games can become (przedimek) useful tool, but 'either' (tutaj oczekiwalam porownana dwuch elementow - cos brakuje) we should avoid playing too much, for the sake our health. 'If' (tu masz zle slowo, myslales o 'whether') games become useful or not, it (dodaj slowo 'all') depends 'from' (kalka z polskiego ale tutaj ON) (przedimek) people 'whose' (zle slowo, tutaj 'who') use it.


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