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Mógłby ktoś sprawdzić tą pracę pod względem gramatycznym, składniowym i ogólnie błędy. Z góry dziękuje :)

I've chosen to write a letter because it is very individual and emotional type of writing. The letter is written in style that would reflect the way in which Chrisopher speaks and thinks. I was focused on presenting how his disability influence on the way he describes events. Christopher explains things that does not matter with excessive care to the details. My work also aimed to present how people with autism precive the world and their difficulties with communication. Notwithstanding, Chris achives his goal because now his mother know that her letters were hidden and her son did not know about them.

Most of all, Chrisopher describes an incident that took place – the murder of the dog. He writes about his private investigation which lead to to agrue with his dad. Then, there was a disapperance of a book in which Christopher was writing down proceedings of the investigation. Subsequently, the boy describes searchings for the book and finding it. The book was hidden along with his mother's letters by his dad. At the end of the letter, Chrisopher writes that he is planning to escape from home to meet mother.
Chrisopher or Christopher,
Misspelled words,
Verb forms,
Other grammar errors.
w których zdaniach jest zła gramatyka?
which lead to to agrue with his dad.
how his disability influence on the way

things that does not matter with excessive care to the details

My work also aimed to present how people with autism precive

achives his goal because now his mother know

I've chosen to write a letter because 'it' (ja bym dala inne slowo) is very individual and emotional type of writing. The letter is written in (a gdzie przedimek?) style that 'would reflect' (to jest, wg mnie, zle, tu ma byc 'reflects') the way in which 'Chrisopher' (a nie inaczej?) speaks and thinks. I 'was focused' (to jest tak po Indian English ze az strach) on presenting how his disability 'influence' (nie, tutaj 'influences') 'on' (niepotr slowo) the way he describes events. Christopher explains things that 'does' (ale tutaj jest mowa o licz. mn. to dlaczego to slowo nie jest dopasowane do l. mn.?) not matter with excessive care 'to' (zle slowo, tutaj OF) the details. My work also aimed to present how people with autism 'precive' (hello? tutaj jest blad, slowo jest perceive) the world and their difficulties with communication. Notwithstanding, Chris 'achives' (blad ortog) his goal because now his mother 'know' (ale tutaj his mnother to jest 3os.l.poj) that her letters were hidden and her son did not know about them.

He writes about his private investigation which lead 'to to agrue' (to jest zle, bo albo him arguing with his dad, albo to the argument) with his dad. Then, there was a 'disapperance' (ortog) of a book in which Christopher was writing down (przedimek) proceedings of the investigation. Subsequently, the boy describes 'searchings' (od kiedy to slowo istnieje w jez. ang?) for the book and finding it.
At the end of the letter, Chrisopher writes that he is planning to escape from (tu cos brak) home to meet (tu cos brak) mother.
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