sprawdzenie listu motywacyjnego

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Sir or Madam,
We kindly ask you to employ us in your Hotel in the position of the General Assistant or similar ones – reception assistant,waitress, FOH, night porter, kitchen porter, general maintenance etc.
During a trip started in a January 2017 from Asia to Australia, New Zealand next back to Europe - UK and Ireland Republic we trained in English to a communicative degree/intermediate.
We both graduated from higher schools in our country as well as from many specjalised professional courses. In addition, during our stay/travel in the UK we finished, with a positive result, professional courses, related to work in a hotel, e.g. Fire Safety Certificate, Age Verification Certificate, Allergen Awareness Certificate, Food Safety Certificate, FOH Health & Safety Certificate, Manual Handling Certificate, etc.
In 2014 we worked for several month in the position of Supervisor FOH/Housekeeping in a hotel as well as during our travel through Asia to Australia and New Zealand we took up occasional work related to, for instance, hotel service from January 2017 to September 2018.
We have references from the current course of our professional work. We certainly may send them to You in the attachment.
We are also characterized by diligence, honesty, conscientiousness, comprehensibility and we enjoy working in groups. In our work we always take care of the highest quality, precision and time to fulfill our responsibilities as quickly as possible.
We would like not only to work professionally in Your countrry, but most of all we wish to visit it by getting to know its culture, cuisine, history as well as enjoy amazing nature.
Please find our CV in the attachment.

dziekuje za pomoc
Bardzo zle napisane, nie wiadomo od czego zaczac poprawiac. Zdania powinny byc krotkie i konkretne, nikt w HR nie lubi czytac rozwleczonych poematow, jak nadzgane za duzo to wrzuca do kosza.

references upon request
please see the CVs in the attached file
we are certified in Fire safety , Food safety etc.
We speak communicative English
we are seeking employment in the following positions: tu wymienic
nie higher school , : we are college/ university graduates
In our work we always take care of the highest quality, precision and time to fulfill our responsibilities as quickly as possible.

In our work we are thorough , responsible and efficient.
dzieki za rady
We would like not only to work professionally in Your country, but most of all we wish to visit it by getting to know its culture, cuisine, history as well as enjoy amazing nature.

czy to zdanie jest poprawne?
to chcesz pracowac czy zwiedzac? Nie jest poprawne, jest tez za dlugie i belkotliwe.

Working for your company would also give us the opportunity to meet with people, get to know the English culture, cuisine as well as do some travelling and sightseeing.


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