paragraph- What are the advantages of being able to drive a car? Proszę o pomoc

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Being able to drive a car is an asset which improves your competences, intependence and comfort of a ride. Firstly, owning a driving licence is another thing to write on the CV as an asset. The fact that you have it shows that you want to get better and that you are resourceful. With being able to drive a car there are more jobs that you can apply for. Secondly, driving by the car will take less time than travelling by a public transport and you do not have to own a car, there are renting companies. Without being able to drive a car you will have to wait wait for the bus which probably will be late. On the other hand with tha ability to drive the car you could drive the shortest way to your destination. Lastly travelling by the car is way more comfortable than travelling by the public transport. Majority of the times while travelling by bus you will have to deal with a massive jam inside of it. Also you cannot set the air conditioner the way you would like to. In short, it is better to be able to drive a car because of the advantages that comes with it.

(jak to jest z tymi przedimkami przed "car" powinienem używać "the" w dalszych częściach pracy?
Z góry dziękuję za pomoc :')
Being able to drive a car is an asset which improves your competences, 'intependence' (blad ortog) and (wg mnie brakuje 'the') comfort of a ride. Firstly, 'owning' (nie, tutaj inaczej, lepiej uzyj slowa 'having') a driving licence is another thing to write on 'the' (ja tutaj dalabym 'a') CV as an asset. The fact that you have it shows that you 'want to get better' (nie wiedzialam ze byles chory? cos tu nie tak, trzeba to inaczej. moze 'to improve yourself') and that you are resourceful. 'With being' (zrob to inaczej, mozna 'Being able.... i tak jak masz, albo tez 'With the ability of being ...) able to drive a car there are more jobs that you can apply for. Secondly, 'driving by the' (nie, tutaj jest zle, mozna 'going by') car will take less time than travelling by 'a' (niepotr) public transport and you do not have to (ja tutaj dalabym slowo 'actually') own a car, there are renting companies.
On the other hand with 'tha' (ortog) ability to drive 'the' (daj 'a') car you could drive the shortest way to your destination. Lastly travelling by 'the' (niepotr) car is way more comfortable than travelling by 'the' (niepotr) public transport. THE majority of the times while travelling by bus you will have to deal with a massive (tutaj brakuje 'traffic') jam 'inside of it' (tego nie rozumiem). Also you cannot set the air conditioner (ale gdzie? i czy to jest najwazniejsze? mozna tez napisac, ze jak trzeba jechac od jednego do drugiego sklepu to nie zawsze te sklepy sa na 'bus route') the way you would like to. In short, it is better to be able to drive a car because of the advantages that 'comes' (nie, tutaj masz 'advantages, to musi byc 'come') with it.

Uzywanie przedimkow (a, an, the) nie zalezy od slowa przed ktorym one maja byc, tylko o okleslenia tego rzeczownika, uzywasz 'the' jak chcesz byc specific, a 'a' jak tak ogolnie.
terri jak zwykle odrabia za innych ;)))
nie, tutaj tylko podpowiadalam, bo widzialam ze 'asker' bardzo sie stara.


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