My story 7

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witajcie, to znowu ja. Słowa które musiałem włożyć w tekst : matter,maybe, might , mean,meeting, member,each other .

Welcome ! This day I will tell a story about my first job.
It's a large business located on the outskirts of a small town. I will not tell you which town is it because it doesn't matter. Maybe you can guess what it's called. I have been working there since the end of July 2015.
I didn't go to the college because my father told me to go to work immediately after graduating from high school . Some members of my family thought that it means the end of my education but I will prove them they were wrong. Returning to the topic regarding my work. ( może tak być? wracając do tematu dotyczącego mojej pracy ?? ) What does the company in which I work produces ? Maybe you can associate ( kojarzyć ) Porsche, Maserati, or Alfa Romeo cars ? We make seats for those cars. It's a complicated process that requires a high level of concentration. Skill that matters the most is manual efficiency . Some people might not be happy to work there, but I am.
Does working in that company mean fulfilling your dreams ? Not completely. Mainly you must obey the members of our firm's offices. You must be present at meetings with them and listen to their comments.
It might be a bit frustrating for a longer period of time. Being beyond boundaries of their control is really difficult. They hardly ever ask us for feedback about our work. We are interdependent on them. They can empower us to do things that we can not do on a daily basis. The flow of information is limited to us.
This is the major reason for dissatisfaction among physical employees. Luckily, we have a great cafeteria with a magnificent menu. I usually go there with my best colleague. We like each other and we wish each other a nice meal.

Pozdrawiam i proszę o wszelkie korekty !
'This day' (lepiej 'today') I will tell a story about my first job.
'It's' (nie za bardzo wiadomo do czego to 'it' sie odnosi, lepiej napisac, ze mowisz o firmie) a large business located on the outskirts of a small town.
I didn't go to 'the' (niepotr) college because my father told me to go to work immediately after graduating from high school . Some members of my family thought that it 'means' (zly czas, tutaj 'meant') the end of my education but I will prove them (tutaj brakuje slowa 'that') they were wrong.
What does the company in which I work 'produces' (nie, tutaj 'produce') ? Maybe you can 'associate' ( tutaj pomyslalam o 'recall') Porsche, Maserati, or Alfa Romeo cars ?
(dalabym tutaj przedimek 'the') skill that matters the most is manual efficiency.
Mainly you must 'obey' (wg mnie za silne slowo, moze 'follow the orders of') the members of our firm's 'offices' (chyba officers, bo 'office' to jest cos innego).
This is the major reason for dissatisfaction among 'physical' (nie, napiesz 'blu-collar') employees.
We like each other and 'we wish each other a nice meal' (troche od rzeczy, wiem o co chodzi, ale to jest smieszne po ang. bo nikt tak nie mowi, mozna napisac, we 'hope to enjoy our meals', 'hope that we enjoy our meals')
Bardzo, bardzo dziękuję ! Miałem na myśli że musimy być posłuszni poleceniom członkom biur naszego zakładu ;) " offices " w sensie że biur, ma to sens ?
I will not tell you which town is it...NIE
I will prove them they were wrong.
What does the company I work for do/make?
edytowany przez Aaric: 05 gru 2018
Dzięki !
Zbyt wcześnie dziękujesz. Daj tu tekst poprawiony wg wskazówek jw bo może wymagać dalszych poprawek ;))
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