Prośba o sprawdzenie :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić moje wypracowanie? Z góry bardzo dziękuje :)

The next place I would go is Australia. This is a unique place, with traditions, and interesting history of Aborigines. This country is well known for its unusual, exotic, and dangerous animals. Taking a photo with kangaroos, slowly running on green grass away from crowded cities, feeding koalas, in special parks, hanging from trees, or swimming with dolphins - this is just an adventure. Of course, everything we have to do with the a suitably trained person, but who did not want to take a koala bear on his hands? Beautiful beaches, and sunny weather throughout the year is another great advantage of this country. Shining phytoplankton on the Tasmanian beach is a view that nobody could forget. Furthermore, Great Barrier Reef is an absolute miracle of nature, and you do not have to swim far from the shore, to see it. The biggest city in Australia, Sydney, also has a lot to offer for travellers. Famous Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge or even swimming in Bondi Beach the most famous place in Sydney. Australia differs from other countries with its independence, interesting people, and wildlife.
Taking a photo with kangaroos, slowly running on green grass away from crowded cities, feeding koalas, in special parks, hanging from trees, or swimming with dolphins przerób to zdanie.
'Kangury uciekają z zaludnionych miast' 'Koalas swimming with dolphins' ;)))
Błędy w innych zdaniach.
Nadużyważ przecinki ;)))
edytowany przez Aaric: 24 sty 2019
The next place I would go TO is Australia. This is a unique place, with traditions(,) (prosze nie dawac przecinkow przed slowem 'and' - poczytaj o tym) and interesting history of Aborigines. This country is well known for its unusual, exotic(,) (tutaj bez przecinka) and dangerous animals. Taking a photo with kangaroos, slowly running on green grass away from crowded cities, feeding koalas(, in special parks,) (nie rozumiem o co tu chodzi dlatego ze jest przecinek to wtedy to sie nie laczy z poprzednimi slowami) hanging from trees(,) (bez przecinka) or swimming with dolphins - this is just an adventure. Of course, everything 'we' (od kiedy ja jestem w tym zamieszana? dlaczego 'we?) have to do with 'the a' (nie rozumiem tego tutaj) suitably trained person, but who 'did' (zle slowo, tutaj 'would') not want to take a koala bear 'on his' (to jest zle) hands? Beautiful beaches(,) (bez przecinka, co ty masz z tymi przecinkami?) and sunny weather throughout the year is another great advantage of this country. Shining phytoplankton on the Tasmanian beach is a view that nobody could (mozna dodac 'ever') forget. Furthermore, THE Great Barrier Reef is an absolute miracle of nature(,) (bez przecinka) and you do not have to swim far from the shore(, ) (dlaczegfo tu jest przecinek?), to see it.
THE famous Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge or even 'swimming in Bondi Beach' (nie, nie mozesz plywac na plazy tylko w wodzie) the most famous place in Sydney. Australia differs from other countries 'with' (ja bym napisala 'in') its independence, interesting people(,) (bez przecinka przed 'and') and wildlife.


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