Czy na pewno błędne odpowiedzi w ćwiczeniach na tej stronie?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Zrobiłem 4 testy ze strony biernej z wynikami 40-50 % na tej stronie, ale w kilku przypadkach nie jestem pewny, czy na pewno to jest źle. (drugie zdanie jest zaznaczone jako błędne, a trzecie to podana prawidłowa odpowiedź)

1. Danny will receive an important letter next week.
An important letter will be received next week by Danny.
An important letter will be received by Danny next week.

2. Our kids will have eaten all the pizza by lunchtime.
All the pizza will have been eaten by lunchtime by our kids.
The pizza will have been eaten by our kids by lunchtime.

3. John offered me a new job.
A new job was offered me by John.
I was offered a new job by John.

4. I didn't send this telegram.
This telegram was not sent.
This telegram wasn't sent by me.

Ta wystawa to przecież liczba pojedyncza, więc w present perfect to jest "has been", dlaczego jest źle?
5. They should have closed this exhibition earlier.
This exhibition should has been closed earlier.
This exhibition should have been closed earlier.
A new job was offered me by John. brak preposition
This exhibition should has been closed earlier. po modalu czasownik będzie w 'root form', czyli 'have'.
edytowany przez Aaric: 03 mar 2019


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie