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Last time I saw film for toilet water ,, Just do it”, brand Jack Kowalski. The face of ,, Just do it” is korean singer Lee Soo-young which in this film traveling around world among others to Europe. In this film was used song British band The Beatels - ,,Twist And Shout”. The film is directed to woman which wants to fallow one’s own path. The slogan is “날 찾고싶어”, as it is one’s experiences and encounters that shape a truly unique self. The logo of brand is white eagle with its head pointing to the right on a black background. In the middle are the initials J.K. The image of the bird is formed by horizontal lines. In addition to toilet water, the brand produces clothes and cosmetics. The film can watch on Youtube.
ostatni raz obejrzalem film w sprawie wody toaletowej - Just do it Jack Kowalski. (...)
which - do przedmiotow, do ludzi who
w tym filmie podrozujacy
brak przedimka przed world
w tym film byl wykorzystany piosenka brytyjski zespol
film jest skierowany do kobiety
znowu which
fallow - ziemia lezaca ugorem
zamien 'one's' na slowo 'jej'

film moze obejrzec na youtube
Cos poprawiłam ale nie wiem co jest zle z tym 1 zdaniem xd Ostatnio widziałam film o wodzie toaletowej ,,Just do It" marki Jack Kowalski. ma być Last time I saw film about? toilet water ,, Just do it”, brand Jack Kowalski.

Last time I saw film for toilet water ,, Just do it”, brand Jack Kowalski. The face of ,, Just do it” is korean singer Lee Soo-young who in this film is traveling around the world among others to Europe. In this film it was used The Beatels song - ,,Twist And Shout”. The film is directed to woman which wants to follow her own path. The slogan is “날 찾고싶어”, as it is one’s experiences and encounters that shape a truly unique self. The logo of brand is white eagle with its head pointing to the right on a black background. In the middle are the initials J.K. The image of the bird is formed by horizontal lines. In addition to toilet water, the brand produces clothes and cosmetics. The film you can watch on Youtube.
last time = ostatni raz
film for = film w sprawie
nie radzisz sobie ze zdaniami nieosobowymi, typu 'w filmie wykorzystano'. Napisz np. In this film you can hear
zdanie z woman nadal do poprawy
ostatnie zdanie ma sie zaczynac od you

widac duza roznice miedzy Twoimi zdaniami a tymi skopiowanymi z internetu
Recently I saw film about toilet water ,, Just do it”, brand Jack Kowalski. The face of ,, Just do it” is korean singer Lee Soo-young who in this film is traveling around the world among others to Europe. In this film you can hear The Beatels song - ,,Twist And Shout”. The film is targeted at women who wants to follow her own path.
The slogan is “날 찾고싶어”, as it is one’s experiences and encounters that shape a truly unique self. The logo of brand is white eagle with its head pointing to the right on a black background. In the middle are the initials J.K. The image of the bird is formed by horizontal lines. In addition to toilet water, the brand produces clothes and cosmetics. You can watch this film on Youtube.
who want - bo mowa o kobietach w liczbie mnogiej
poza tym moze być
Dziękuje za pomoc :D
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.