*A* mobile phone is a little thing which was invented about fifty years ago. *The* first model was really huge and people *had to* carry it in special bags.
*At that time* mobile *phones* served to made a call only, but just then it was really novelty device .
Moja wersja: At that time mobile phones served only one purpose, that is making telephone calls.
Nowadays *our* attitude to *a* mobile phone *are* much change*d*. +The present-day device+ is quite different. Now with the aid of *a* mobile phone we can contact *-x-* whole world. We can call *-x-* somebody *up*, write *an* sms and +communicate over+ *the* Internet, which +also can be accessed through some of the phones+. *The* size can be different but, generally, *the width is no bigger* than *that of*