music from the movies

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Music is very important part of our life. Many people can’t live without listening music almost all the day. I would like to talk about the specific type of music. It will be soundtrack from the movies. I can say that I have obsession about this music, I must buy every soundtrack from the film I enjoy. I want you to hear some examples of music from films. Try to guess the title of the movie.
Music from movies it’s various types. On the one CD you have rock, pop, reggae, classical music and even some ethnic songs. In my opinion the music is the most important part of the film. On the second place is the play of actress. Because, the music make us scary, terrified or happy. It’s only thanks the music we can feel emotion.
I think that music is the soul of movie. Sometimes the movie is fateful, it’s too long and boring. For example “Loneliness in the net”, it was terrible movie. However the music was excellent. After few days of watching that movie I bought the soundtrack.
The song from the film is advert of its. “Shape of my heart”, every people know that song, even these one who don’t watch the movies “The Cleaner” (Leon zawodowiec). Soundtracks are full of surprises.
People from Hollywood knows that good movie has to have good music. Fortunately, we have few gifted people in Poland who make great music for movies. For example Wojciech Kilar, Jan Kaczmarek and Michał Lorenc. I can recommend the soundtrack from “Early spring” (“Przedwiośnie”). It’s amazing music.
In conclusion, I think that people often forget, these type of music. I only want to show that it could be great experience to listen music from film without vision.

Chciałbym, żeby ktoś sprawdził ten tekst, poprawił usterki jeśli występują z gory dziękuję.
Mam pytanie jaki jest oryginalny tytuł filmu "Gliniarz z Beverly Hills"?
"Beverly Hills Cop". ;)
Cos tutaj brakuje 'a', 'an', 'the'
Music is 'A' very important part of our life. Many people can't live
without listening TO music almost all (the)- (bez the) day. I would like to talk about 'A' (zamiast 'the') specific type of music. 'It' (Nie, lepiej This..) will be soundtrack from the movies. I can say that I have 'AN' obsession about this (mozna tez 'type of') music, I must buy every
soundtrack from 'the' (tylko jednego) 'film I enjoy' (lepiej films I enjoy). I want you to hear some examples of music from THE films. Try to guess the title of the movie.
Music from movies 'it's' (nie, it's to znaczy it is - czy zdanie ma sens - lepiej 'is of') various types. On the one CD you CAN have rock, pop, reggae, classical music and even some ethnic songs. 'On' (Nie, lepiej IN) the second place is the 'play' (moze lepiej 'reaction') of THE actress. 'Because' (nie zaczynaj zdan z 'because), the music make us scary, terrified or happy (to zdanie nie jest pelne - cos nie tak). It's only thanks TO the music THAT we can feel (mozna tez 'real')emotion.
I think that THE music is the soul of 'A' movie. For example “Loneliness in
>the net", it was 'A' terrible movie. 'After few days' (nie napewno masz na mysli Few days after watching) of watching that movie I bought the soundtrack.
The song from the film is USED ON AN advert 'of its' (cos tego nie rozumie). “Shape of my heart", 'every people' (NIE, bo to po polsku jest 'kazdy ludzie', lepiej ALL people) know that song, even 'these' (NIE, lepiej those) 'one' (one jest niepot) who 'don't' (did not watch albo haven't watched) watch the movies.
People from Hollywood 'knows' (NIE, know - knows to tylko 3os l. poj) that 'A' good movie has to have good music.
Fortunately, we have few gifted people in Poland who make great music
for THE movies.
In conclusion, I think that people often forget, 'these type' (NIE, albo this type, albo these types) of music.
I only want to show that it could be 'A' great experience to listen TO music
from 'A' film without 'vision' (nie, lepiej visuals).


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