Proszę o sprawdzenie poniższego listu:
Dear Kate and Mark,
I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long. I was very busy, because I had a lot of exam.
I wont tell you about speech about healthy manner of rultrition. This speech leading by university professor Alice Fisk from Warsaw.
Metting to do in last week on Monday. On gym in my school.
Alice Fisk told about cut down on fatty food. She told too about drink water. Every day people should drink about two litre of water. Professor Fisk told too about sweets and vegetables. Every think should eat the least sweets, but the most vegetables.
I think that all hint professor Alice Fisk is very helpful for many people. I to decide to do every day drink two litre of water and too eat the least sweets.
All the best,
A to jego temat:
Byłaś ostatnio na pogadance na temat sposobu zdrowego odżywiania się. W liście do znajomych napisz:
-o czym była pogadanka i kto ją prowadził;
-kiedy i gdzie odbyła się pogadanka;
-jakich wskazówek udzielała osoba prowadząca;
-co sądzisz o tych wskazówkach i czy masz zamiar którąś z nich zastosować.
z góry dziękuję:)